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Your Favorite Person!

It’s rare that we get to see the behind the scenes of someone who is in our homes but that is exactly what we get to do in this chat with Monica Sutton or as you may know her, Miss Monica!

If you haven’t met her yet, Miss Monica is a teacher with a popular toddler and preschool youtube channel! In this chat, Monica shares the behind the scenes of starting the show, working with her husband, and how she is handling new success.

Thanks for being here for this fun and noteworthy chat! Let’s keep this conversation going over on IG @‌NicoleWalters.



Hey, friends, I love our chat when we’re able to bring another person in. And you know, we don’t typically do that most of our time is just us sitting down having our one to one time going over life and the rest. But I want to let you know that today we are chatting with someone who I consider a dear friend. She is someone I respect. She is also someone that I know you respect, because you have probably, if you have little ones, let her into your home.

Sounds creepy, but it’s not. I am so excited to introduce and have here today, my dear friend that you know, as Miss Monica. Monica, I’m so excited that you’re here with us today.


Thank you. Thank you for that introduction. I’m so happy to be here.


Oh, it’s amazing. Now, I will let you talk a little bit more about what you do. But I just have to gush a little bit because this is how I am. So Monica, if you don’t know, is a harsh I hate to say YouTube sensation because it sounds so cheesy. But it is true. Particularly during 2020. I think that’s when people really were like, what are we going to do with our babies? What is the best content? The dear sweet Miss Monica entered our world as a teacher, as a guide, as entertainment and literally helped us raise our babies.

She has one of the most popular kids programming around preschool age children, I think some toddler content as well. You know that people watch and consume and it’s just incredible. This has gone into live events. She has products. I mean, there are partnerships, there’s so many things she’s doing.

And I’m excited because we’re going to talk not just about, obviously, you know, it’s cool the business side of things. But honestly, when you’re a creator, you have a personality and a life behind all that. So tell us a little bit about the show just so people can know, if they haven’t watched it, why their kids need to watch it.


Yes. So circle time with this Monica was born in 2020. March of 2020. I’ll never forget it. Yes. Because yes, the pandemic hit and everyone was like, What am I doing? What? How are we teaching our kids at home? And also schools like my school? We did. They didn’t know what they were doing.

Who even knows what we’re doing now! Let’s be honest, we’re still a mess. Okay, most of us right now don’t know what we’re doing.


Yes, I am a day to day type of person. But yes, so I created what I want it to feel like a classroom experience. One, I wanted it to be a classroom experience for my students that I was teaching at that time. And then I opened it up to the public. And I wanted parents and families to be able to give that classroom experience to their children at home.


It really does feel like that. Because you have like boards. And what I love is, with your content, you break the screen. I remember this when I was younger with like lamb chops play along, you know, where Lamb Chop would like kind of look out into the screen and say like, well, I don’t see anyone there. And when I tell you that’s so necessary for the little ones, particularly in 2020 because they didn’t have peers, you know, it was beautiful.

That interaction, I want that interaction. I want them to speak to me. I want them to think they’re speaking to me, like talk to the TV.


We have you to thank for us being in the other room and hear the kids be like blue. That was you. You were responsible.


Not only are they talking to the TV, they’re like tapping it because I use a pointer because they want to teach too. When the parents sent me those videos, those are hilarious. So they’re like tapping the screen.

That’s hilarious.

Don’t call me if it breaks! So we started, I really started the show for preschoolers, but now it has really evolved and now I have two shows. So one is circle time toddlers and one is circle time preschool with Miss Monica. They’re all circle time with Miss Monica.


It’s amazing, y’all know Monica, people notice you when you go places now because you have this relationship. I mean, your show people see it every morning, there’ll be popping on some people go back and watch back episodes. We know these kids have iPads at restaurants, in the car. I mean, you’re throwing a phone in front of them just because you need a few minutes of quiet you know and I just want to say momma’s there’s so much out there about screen time and we’ll talk more about that in a minute but realistically do what you got to do to get by okay like and what is great is your content is rock solid for that so what’s the like when you get out there being recognized or you recognized more by kids or adults?


Really by adults. I feel like kids, they’re not the ones who say something first usually because my demographic is younger, sure, baby stare but they stare because it’s the whole concept of your on my screen but your real your in person. So it’ll take them a few moments to like process. But with the parents, I was recently in the airport in Charleston airport. It was so funny. And I was just sitting having my coffee, it was like 6am I was getting on the 6am flights and…


Please do not talk to your favorite creators and on a 6am flight. We love y’all we love to say hi but 6am!


It was a 6am flight. I was just sitting there you know, airport face. Dad I saw a mom and a dad and a little toddler walking by. But the dad did a reverse instead, Miss Monica. Oh, cute as their son just stared at me. And it wasn’t until like, literally the four minute conversation was coming to an end. He’s like, hi.


Oh my god. Oh my god. It’s so sweet. So nice. And I mean, I just one thing that’s great about you is that people love you, you know, because there are countless stories, especially here in LA of like celebrities or people come up and like I can’t especially now I don’t, I don’t watch like Vanderpump Rules, but everyone talks about it, you know? It’s like that’s like a whole thing where it’s like, I imagine if I was I don’t even know who the good guys and the bad guys are. But there’s one character that people do not love. And it’s like could you imagine being that guy who will commit you’d never should have done it on someone sorrows so upside is we are well loved.

I’ll take all the smiles.


I mean, even better, you get littles you want to come to like, Oh, I love you. That’s great. So I want to take people back, to move them forward, because again, most people met you in 2020 through their kiddos you know looking for solid enriching, you know, content that teaches them. 

So I want to know when you first got into this, you know, you started off working with kids in real life, actually, you still do you still offer courses and teach and you have programs and day school and preschool like so if y’all want to know more about that head over to either your YouTube page or where else where can people find that stuff?


Perfect, perfect. Please look that up because, you know, she’s a great teacher, like great educator. So look that up. But that said, Where did you start? And for the mamas that are listening and saying to themselves, well, I just teach, I don’t know. How did you make that pivot?


Yes, that I started teaching well, back in 2003. I’ve been in the game a long time.

Yes. It doesn’t feel that way. I’m not gonna lie. It feels like that was just the other day. <laughs>


Honestly, it feels like just the other day I was commuting in or my hour into the city back out of the city. Yes, I don’t. I don’t really miss those days. But I started in the classroom and then moved on to doing some independent teacher work, agency work. I’ve always been a special education preschool teacher. So I’ve been able to try different things because I always knew I just didn’t want to be in the classroom. But I never knew what was outside of that. So I doubled and dabbled in different things. Luckily, I worked in New York City, one of the largest districts and so there’s so many programs going on so I was able to work for the district, work for agencies and try a lot of different things. But that was me that was a lot of different things but I really didn’t know what the other side of teaching look like.

Well let’s be honest most of us who ultimately got into the Creator space didn’t know because it didn’t exist I mean I when Instagram came out with threads you know the Twitter competitor tool I literally I’m saying to myself when it came out I was like so who’s going to become the like new god of threads the new like you know thread cool person because they you don’t know how to even say growing up oh, well, I’d like to have my own TV show that’s available from people’s cell phones you know that they can show to their kiddos, like are you kidding?

And also like y’all don’t know Monica has personality but she is like everything you see online she has a light right like she is truly like you want to leave your children with her you’re like they will come back better for it you know like it’s a soothing voice all of that so I want to know when you said you were going to do this because you are a try-er like you are able to try but that comes with feels and I don’t think people realize it because you seem you’re such a natural. Like really when I watch your content it feels first of all shout out to the husband wife team right? Yes, produced well edited it looks so stinking good. And I kind of want to pull back the cover if you’re okay with it.


I’m fine with that.


Tell me do you have like a huge studio or team? How did you get started? Tell the truth.


I will tell the truth. We got started in my living room and three years later it has never converted back to a living room. Like if you all want to really be honest, like we are still shooting out of that studio. Yes, we rent space here and there when we need large, large space but it’s still our main space.



Which you know, eventually we’re gonna evolve out of that but that’s where we started.

How does that feel? For all the moms, knowing that because you know just just for the moms who may be in this stage right now where they’re like home with their babies which you know, it’s okay in the right place to be but as you’re starting to dream big and think and you know, or the people out there who are creators and saying themselves because I’m not even kidding influencer and Creator as a job now, right?

So I have my kids saying, Oh, well I want to be an influencer mom I need these things. I need this camera I need I remember when having a Canon T3i whatever was like the move right now. It’s like stop playing like, what do you do with that all broke, you know? So it’s like, I’m not even kidding. These kids are out there with the list of stuff they need, you know, to even start but the truth is, I just love saying how did you start? It was just in your living room.


Just in my living room. I would, I mean, my husband, thank goodness is a filmmaker, videographer by trade. So he had some extra cameras and let me use the broken ones.

Right. Like, it’s like we’re doing this under the budget, but you weren’t like, let’s go to Best Buy and film.


I didn’t buy anything new. I used an old camera and I just said, this is what I’m going to do. I just need, please just give me a tripod and a one shot single shot. One view. That’s it. That’s right. And I literally took off if you guys want to hear a funny story, I literally, because it was a pandemic, I had to run to my school begged the director to let me in because they didn’t want anyone in the school. It was closed. Oh, yes. Oh, yes, regulations. And they said You have five minutes to go to your classroom because I said, I just need stuff out of my classroom, for sure. And I literally ran upstairs, got everything off of my wall, I just ripped everything off the wall, put it in my bag and came out and was like, I’m done.



That was my circle time wall that I ripped everything off. And that’s where the name came from.


So you were literally thinking, I just want to keep teaching these kids exactly right? No, I don’t know where this pandemic is going. Right? I can think of my babies at home. I just want to keep teaching them because honestly, this is what the teachers were doing. You know, they were but they didn’t have, you know, five minutes to run in and grab stuff. And you know, and a lot of them aren’t okay, on camera, you know, if that’s a thing, or they weren’t prepared for it, you know? So you were thinking, how can I make this as seamless so this isn’t a gap?


Exactly. I just got to recreate what was already in the classroom, and make it look authentic enough for the kids to feel like okay, well there, they still have some connection to me as their teacher, and then for the new children who were just meeting me yet that they can connect with me.

What a gift! I just like, I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you because you know, people just love your content. But like that thought process, that awareness, you know, is such a gift because these kids, first of all, we all joke about how pandemic kids are different. You know what I mean, they really are, though, and this really helped a lot. So thank you for doing that. So, okay, now, let’s fast forward, we are three years deep in this world, over three years. And you’re doing this full time?

Yes, I am.

Wow. So you’re doing this full time. So after the pandemic was over, it wasn’t like, Let’s rush back to the classroom. You’re like, I’ve got kids that I’m serving around the world.

Yes, I had to make a big decision. Yeah, was August 2020. And I had to decide, am I going back in September? Or am I going to do this full time? So I chose the full time to go ahead and leave the classroom and just go for it. And literally, it’s literally day by day challenge by challenge or opportunity by opportunity. And just going for it. It’s really all I can say I did write, you know, they’re always questions like, Where is this gonna come from? Where’s that gonna come from? But I am a risk taker. Definitely through and through. So I had to go for it.


Yeah. And I love that. And I also love the truth of and I don’t think people say this enough in the Creator space, you know, is because again, like, yes, there’s the Miss Monica, we love your content. But there’s Monica, the person you know. And so I think that a lot of people forget that, that day to day is so real. And I can speak to it now living in LA, during the writer strike and the actor strike.

When I tell you I have peers that are like, Look, I’m not a writer or an actor. I’m a director of photography, and I don’t work right now. You know what I mean? Like, this is real, or I, you know, got paid residuals on this, not much to begin with, you know, but it really is day to day. And I think that there’s an honesty and knowing that your favorite creators, you hear in the papers the 22 million, I get paid 200,000 of video, whatever, that’s not most of us. That’s not me. I don’t know is that you Miss Monica?

That’s not me! <laughs>

But I will tell you, though, that I think a lot of people forget that there’s still a good living and good impact in the middle. You know, so many of us, if we can’t envision ourselves at that, I’ve got all the followers and I’m making 10 million a year and getting paid this that we either don’t want to start, or we don’t know where that our value is. But I think that you’re just such a great example of someone who truly helped, I mean, you are helping us raise our kids, you know, like, so the work you’re doing, we can’t even argue is meaningful. You know, but aside from that, you’ve managed to make a living where you’re able to, I mean, your skin is clear, your edges are here. Like I know that money’s getting spent proper.


I’ve been working on the edges and the skin for some time, because of Nicole Walters. And the brows!

It’s an investment! But that said, you know, you’re making an income, you’re able to support your life. So that said, you know, the work that you do within the Creator space of having a, you know, YouTube channel that’s super successful, but also meaningful work. You know, yes, you can keep doing content every day. Yes, you can keep growing it that way. And that makes sense and you know, how to serve that way kids are gonna be born all the time, you will not run out of people who will watch right? But I want to know, as a teacher also and someone who’s worked in various fields within teaching, including special education. Where’s the gap? Where do you think that you really stand in the gap around content that’s like uniquely, you know, for an audience. I have my thoughts on where that is, you know, but I’m, you know, I’m planning on having some new littles, you know, so I just want to know, like, where do you think that you offer something that is really different?


Well, one, I think I come in with the classroom angle, because I felt at that time, especially in 2020, I felt like there wasn’t this classroom angle or this classroom opportunity. For children who learn at home. There are so many children who learn at home until five or even six.

Yeah, right, they don’t enter until even longer. I feel like after the pandemic, people are like, my kids aren’t going back.

That’s true. And then you have that group of parents, which is a huge, huge community of parents who are teaching at home and trying new things. And so I really feel I fill in that gap of children who are learning at home, giving them like a taste of what classroom could be like, with a real teacher, and then also…

That’s a huge part too. No shade to the other creators but I think that it is really important that people understand that having a real teacher is like having a real lawyer, you know, all of us can use Google, all of us can have some ideas, but remember, these are your babies and you just want to know that, yes, it may seem like I’m just teaching you colors, or I’m just teaching things. And all of that is valid and true. But understanding different learning styles and techniques and right, like all that stuff matters.

It’s just the little things, the skills are things you may, if you’re not an educator, or you haven’t just been in the classroom, we’re taught children, you may not even know, it’s so simple, but just those little things.


I feel like it’s the interactivity, like knowing where to ask for prompts and where to ask for questions, because, and I’m not gonna lie, and I’m guilty guilty, y’all know, I will be the first to throw myself out there, as a parent, frustration, because we’re attached to our kids.

So like, you know, in the teaching, knowing where to step back and say, like, you’re still learning or this isn’t, we haven’t done this lesson sufficiently to do a prompt. I’ve noticed with Miss Monica teachings, you’ll have like recurring themes, you know, through different episodes. So it becomes something that kid is actually learning and investing and prompted for.

Absolutely. Especially with the younger years, the three to five, even birth to five, let’s just say they need the repetition, right? It gives them confidence that they know what’s about to happen, oh, they can answer that question. You want them to have success. It’s so necessary.


That’s so good. And that’s what I mean, as a professional, you know, these things. And so I just love it because you do get to turn over and you being a real teacher is a huge value add to your content. Another thing that I just like, I have to call out yeah, in case y’all did not know. I mean, most of y’all know Miss Monica but I love that your content is diverse, and that you’re bringing on lots of different people. Like I saw the episode with Mary cherry, where you, you know, came to Los Angeles, and you visited her and you did a project.

And, you know, I just think that there is so much value behind that different visual representation, you know, and some of these hands-on experiences.


That is so powerful.


Yes, the collaborations are oh, it was always fun. I was even able to collaborate with a company of bilingual birdies and bring them on. And they have a bilingual puppet, and Spanish and English episodes and just talk about different languages, teaching children that there are different languages and ways to communicate. And that was so amazing. Yes, it was really, really fun. Yeah, I want to do more of that, more diversity, bringing more guests on. The puppe tree is always really great.

It’s also really important now I think, especially as these kids because I think people forget that when you have a preschooler, their world is really your home. Unless they’re going to preschool you know, and I forget this honestly, with my 11 year old, I’m like, when was the last time we took her out of our neighborhood? Because like, we’re like Monday through Friday, she’s back in school back in school. And then she comes in, if we don’t take her somewhere on the weekend, her whole world is like five blocks.


That’s normal. It’s like your bubble.


Bubbles, right? Yeah. But we don’t realize that as adults, because we might be like, oh, I want the sushi on the other side of town. Or oh, you know, I have worked. So I have to travel here. Like, it just doesn’t even and we’re also aware of travel, these kids don’t go anywhere unless we move them. So that value, right, the value of Miss Monica is that you get to take them to these places and introduce them to things. And then also if you are a Spanish speaker or Spanish speaking home, how special that you’re getting to see a bilingual episode and say, oh my gosh, this is what we do in our house, you know, and it’s just so it’s just you really do such a lovely job with it. So, I want to know, and now we’re going to like set aside the awesome behind the scenes of the Miss Monica empire. It’s so cool. We’re excited about it. We’ll circle back to talk about you know, what’s next, I want to talk about you.

How does it feel every day knowing that you are working with your partner? I have worked with a partner, I’m going to give some tea, just a smidgen of tea right? This is like lukewarm tea. It’s not hot, right? But it was not easy working with my partner you know, like even though we had our different areas which helped and we had our different perspectives which helped tremendously. I struggled with it just because I am a big believer and it’s just so hard to find someone who loves it and is as passionate about it the way you are.

But I learned quickly, therapeutically, no one should be, right? Like it’s your thing. So why would you expect someone to be like as into it as you are that’s not even realistic. So what does that like? Have you guys just clear role assignments? Because your husband’s a professional too? Yeah. So it’s different.


I mean, it was tricky in the beginning, because it turned out in the beginning was just like, oh, he said, Well, let me help you. You look like you’re struggling, right? You’re doing a lot of work. Right? Let me help you. He came on. And because everything was so new, it’s like, we’re learning roles. Are you gonna keep helping me? Or, you know…

Right! Were you setting me up? Or are you here, you know, to work with me, yeah, right. Right. Right.

But no, naturally, he was excited and wanted to do it too. Because then it was his work, right. So luckily, he loves cameras and so perfecting that, trying new things, he was excited to do that. But yes, we butt heads. The first year was really difficult. I mean, it was stressful.


So let me just ask this tiny question about that. So that doesn’t surprise me because I was gonna say creatively, as you’re trying to create, because the concept didn’t exist before. So I think a lot of people don’t know, with TV shows, before a camera even shows up, oftentimes, we know what we’re gonna say, who’s gonna be on camera. If it’s done, right? Let’s not play, like, I’m sure anyone can nod and be like, Look, some of this production stuff can be a mess. But in a perfect situation, you know, like, frankly, what the format might be for 26 episodes, you know, like what you’re doing. But you’re kind of saying, Look, this when I did my classroom, because some of those early Miss Monica episodes do not look like the ones that they are now.

Absolutely not.

And not in a bad way. They just have evolved. And there’s, there’s, like so much better. There’s a comfort there, because you know, what you’re delivering to the kids what they like you’ve gotten feedback. So for you, I want to know, like, the butting heads in that beginning was a creative, you know, just for anyone who’s listening right now and wanting to maybe tap into their husband’s talents and gifts, or their husband wants to lend it. How does that feel? Like is it you know, what I really wish I’d known more creatively, myself first, before I kind of tapped my husband or do I wish that, am I glad ultimately, we did that part together? Like what feedback do you have on that?


Yes, I can look back and say, I’m glad we did it together, we learned together. I think what was most important, we had to understand communication was important. Well, I will say that communication, really defining our roles, and then separating personal and business, which is still hard.

It’s SO hard.

Because we live together, we work together.

Yeah, just being hungry. When I get hungry it’s a problem. It’s like I’m hungry right now and you are talking to me about wanting to film just one more shot? No.


Yes that has happened and I’m like we’re getting through this, although I’m usually the one to say no, we’re working through it and he says can we take a break? Craft services is here. Because he’s a professional.

I get it.


There’s no craft services.

No, no, this is the house.


Okay. I mean, of course, looking back, I know all of these things now. But it was patients working with one another, thank goodness, where we wanted it as bad as we did, right. But now it’s really clear, clear, defined roles. And he has his business. I have mine. And we it’s like now it’s more of a professional relationship where, okay, we know we have this thing, or I like, a little bit. Yeah. And I have to be more responsible with dates, I have to stick to them. Oh, that was hard.

Yeah, hey, today, I want to say, or like I was gonna do this, but then I saw this. So I just wanted to change this a little bit. No, content.

And he says no I have other things to do.


So that helps. No, that’s really, really good. So, um, but that said, when we talk about growth and expansion, you know, there are some elements of the work that you don’t do, right? Like, that’s just not like, you are definitely talent and obviously, content creator, writer, you know, all those pieces, you know, how does it feel knowing that as your brand because y’all just tiny, teeny tiny spoiler alert, it’s getting bigger stages, right? So as you’re seeing things grow and expand, and you’re getting increased opportunities, and new partnerships, and all of that, you know, what do you see for yourself? And how do you want to serve these kids more?

Is it getting back to in-person? Is it, you know, different forms of media? People don’t know you have a little album, like, tell us more about that!


Yes! Definitely different forms of media. I don’t see myself getting back into the classroom, like a physical classroom.


I feel like you’d be cheating us. Truly, truly, like there are some people where it’s like, I love what you do so much. Please don’t ever go back. You know what I mean? Like the hours, you know.


Yeah, I can’t do it. I wouldn’t be able to handle it. And of course, I love connecting with the children. So the way I see it is in the future a tour. Yes, I’m doing more music, that has been something parents have said, more music. So I am doing more music because they’re all original songs…

Y’all don’t even know the studio okay!

Mind blowing still to this day. I’m coming out with my first official circle time with Miss Monica album. Just a few more weeks. It’s coming.


I love I love you at the same time because I’m like when my kid comes I know because kids heavy rotation. I have an 11 year old. Do you know how often I have heard Sean Kingston’s Beautiful girls. Like she picked songs for like 2001 and she will play them back to back. Like I know you’re gonna be in my house.

Yes my popular song is the Good morning trainees coming how are you? Choo, choo! Ready? Get ready Nicole!


No! Not Choo, Choo!


Every morning. <laughs>


Oh, bless it. I’m telling you, I’m gonna drop these kids off at your house so quick Monica, you don’t even know I’ll be like, listen, let’s go visit the real Miss Monica. Because I’m not Choo-Chooing but it’s great. Like I’m excited to hear that they’re also all these different ways to serve you know some of us I think, say to ourselves well, I do just want to do music for children, but I don’t have the YouTube channel. Well look here you are falling into other things based on what you’re doing.

I had no idea the fact that I was a classroom teacher and all the preschool and kindergarten teachers know you make up your own songs, you say the nursery rhymes, you make up your own songs, that’s what you do.


I even sing directions so I don’t get mad. I’m like, come on, let’s go outside. Let’s go outside. That is what we do. Just so I don’t rage.

That’s the heart of preschool education. Singing everything. I do sing everything. It’s like “Oh, I’m holding this black pillow so like black pillow, black pillow.” I sing everything.


Listen, y’all you don’t understand this is it right here. Diddy, sign her. Like we need to get you on bad boy records <laughs> like it’s the new children’s division led by Miss Monica.

All jokes aside, did you know Snoop Dogg has a kid channel called like it’s like doggy land kid…


You said it.


And he just signed that little girl, that four year old, van man.


I did read that.

They just signed her. I was like she’s so cute. But no, he just signed her and I was like not this four year olds out here with who, first of all shout out to Snoop for building a brand where he is one minute with Martha Stewart and the next minute signing a four year olds to a hip hop label and beating a murder charge. The young people don’t know about that. Okay, the young people don’t know about it, we’re gonna take it all the way back, take it all the way back.


So look, when people are at home and you’re saying can I do it? Is this possible? You think about things like that like that. Absolutely!


And you evolve as you evolve where you start is not where you end up, hopefully if you’re doing it right.




So I love this you know that I’m anytime you come to LA I’m like me me me come see me. I love it all this and this is so I think inspiring and encouraging and it’s rare that we get to see the behind the scenes of someone who is in our home all the time you know but I just you all if you don’t know Monica is everything. She is one of the best, kindest, safest, which really matters, people to have in your world and around your babies. And we know that album is coming soon. Where else and what else can we grab from you?


Just circle time toddlers preschool. Of course I have enrichment virtual programs for children at and you can find everything at MonicaJSutton all across social media.


Oh, I love it. Follow that. Let your children follow, consume, learn. It’s a blessing. Thank you for being here.


Thank you for having me.

In this episode, Miss Monica and I chat about:
  • Behind the scenes of her starting her Youtube channel,
  • What made her channel special then versus now,
  • The role her husband plays and if she’d work with him again, and
  • What it feels like to be growing a business that she never expected to start

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:
  • Watch Miss Monica HERE or on YouTube
  • Connect with Miss Monica on Instagram!
  • Pre-order my memoir, Nothing is Missing, HERE!
  • Send me a DM on Instagram and Facebook!
  • Book a 20 min call to see if working together is the right next step for you!
  • Don’t miss our last chat with The Misterfella on how I had LOW standards – listen here!
  • I love reading your reviews of the show! You can share your thoughts on Apple here!

More about The Nicole Walters Podcast:

If you’re looking for the strategies and encouragement to pursue a life of purpose, this is the podcast for you! Week after week Nicole Walters will have you laughing hysterically while frantically taking notes as she shares her own personal stories and answers your DMs about life, business, and everything in between.

As a self-made multimillionaire and founder of the digital education firm, Inherit Learning Company, Nicole Walters is the “tell-it-like-it-is” best friend that you can’t wait to hang out with next.

When Nicole shows up, she shows OUT, so tune in each week for a laugh, a best friend chat, plus the strategies and encouragement you need to confidently live a life of purpose.

Follow Nicole on IG @NicoleWalters and visit today and click the button to join our betterment community. Your membership gives you access to a world of people and tools focused on helping you build the life you want.