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We carry TOO MUCH!
When we see a relationship end, especially one that we thought was great, it’s natural to wonder...
The Ultimate Q&A Chat!
I’m answering all your spicy questions in this Q&A chat! We’re covering everything from what...
A HUGE Business LIE!
Friend, having a huge team is NOT the flex that you think it is. For those of you who are setting...
Is Pregnancy For Me?
Is Pregnancy For Me? Can we all agree that if you’ve given birth, you can’t be told NOTHING. Is it...
He’s White, I’m Black – It’s Hard?
He's White, I'm Black - It's Hard? Alex is here to help me answer the question of, “What is it...
The Pressure to PIVOT
The Pressure to PIVOT Friend, Jasmine McCall is here to remind us not to be so busy working on our...
Is the world on FIRE?!
Is the world on FIRE?! No matter how you voted, I think we can all agree that we are now in a...
Stand UP for YOURSELF!
Stand UP for YOURSELF! Y’all know how important exfoliation is to me but it doesn’t end with my...
Election Fatigue
Election Fatigue This is one of the tougher chats we've had, but because I want our time here to...
Mind YOUR OWN Business
Mind YOUR OWN Business In previous chats, we’ve talked about the expectation and pressure that...