Episode 16: Full Circle


What if I told you that the thing that you’re working for is smaller than what you deserve? What if the thing that is for you, is something you couldn’t dream up because so far in life, you’ve never experienced anything close to it?

Experts tell you to just dream bigger! But there’s more to it than that and that’s what we’re talking about in this episode of the Nicole Walters podcast.

Thanks for being here! If this episode made an impact for you, share it with a friend that needs to hear this message! I so appreciate our time together- talk to you next week friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • How your big dreams may not be big enough,
  • What lead me to moment of disbelief in Orange County, California, , and
  • Why it’s crucial you surround yourself with like-minded richfriends so the same thing doesn’t happen to you
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 15: Things Fall Apart


I’m sharing something I’ve never shared before. In this episode, I share the worst day I’ve had in business. Pull up your chair because we are getting REAL in this one.

Challenges will happen in your business and I want you to be able to handle them with a clear mind! For a great, affordable therapy resource, please contact: www.openpathcollective.org.

Head over to IG and let me know what you thought of this episode.

I so appreciate you and our time together. Thanks for listening friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • What happened on the worst day in my business,
  • Why it’s important to take care of yourself mind, body, and spirit, and
  • What I’ve done since my worst day to build an even stronger business
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 14: Progress over Perfection


Just scrolling through instagram you’ll see countless images that try to convince you that everything has to be perfect before you launch your business. The perfect light, the perfect backdrop, the perfect desk!

I’m here to say, that just isn’t true! And on this episode of the Nicole Walters Podcast, we are talking about how flawless and perfect isn’t real life and you don’t need to match this unrealistic standard to get started!

The world needs you, not you pretending to be perfect. Let me know what you’re doing to move past perfection by focusing on your progress! Share your takeaway with me on instagram, I’d love to see it.

I so appreciate you and our time together. Thanks for listening friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • Why you don’t need everything from Home Goods to get started,
  • How I first launched 1K1Day in my bathroom, and
  • Why you need to move past perfection
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 13: This isn’t easy to say


In this chat you might think, “Nope Nicole, this is where you lose me” or you might think, “Nicole, I love you, thank you for going there.” That’s a gamble I’m willing to take to be vulnerable to you. Remember my goal always is to share my truth, so you can be bold enough to share yours.

When you’re open about this thing, you are open to judgement from others. Which is SCARY. I so get it.

Let me know how you’re standing in your truth- in life and in business! Write a review or message me on instagram, I read every single message.

I so appreciate you and our time together. Thanks for listening friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • The single most important principle I run my business off of,
  • Why it’s important to be honest about this one thing, and
  • How to share who you are, despite the fact that not everyone will love it
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 12: You Can’t Shame Me


There’s an unfair lie that is going around about living out your dream. This isn’t popular to talk about but that’s exactly what I’m doing on this episode of The Nicole Walters Podcast!

I know you’ve been told this lie and if you haven’t, it won’t be long before you’re saying, this just doesn’t add up! I’m here to tell you the truth, my truth, so you can confidently live yours.

Every week we are having a sit down just like this one and I don’t know about you but I feel like we’re friends! Come hang out with me at 1k1Day Live on March 24-25 in Atlanta! Get all the details here.

Thanks for listening! Talk to me about what your hustle looks like on IG! Share a picture of you listening to the show and your thoughts or write a review on Apple Podcasts! I’ll talk to you soon friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • What the unfair lie is that you’re being told
  • Why everyone’s hustle looks different, and
  • How to keep yourself healthy so you can keep after your mission
Resources and links mentioned in this episode: