Episode 11: Ask The Walters ANYTHING


If you could ask the Walters anything… what would it be?

That’s exactly what I asked my instagram family the other day and in this episode we’re answering it all! Unlike previous episodes, it won’t just be me that you’ll hear from today. That’s right – the Puffin, MidTiny, and the Hubbin are joining me!

Thanks so much for listening! If you liked this episode, let me know by writing the show a review! Talk soon Richfriend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • What it’s like having me as a mom – from the girls!
  • Who “wears the pants” in the Hubbin and I’s relationship, and
  • How we keep our non-traditional family structure happy and healthy
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 10: You needed this YESTERDAY


If you’re like me, you have a hard time asking for help. And maybe, just maybe, you feel like you’re better on your own or at least being the one taking care of others.

Well I’m about to turn that upside down for you.

There is a spot in your heart that your family can’t fill, that you can’t fill. In this episode I’m telling you what action you need to take today to fill this important role.

Let me know what you liked about this episode by writing me a review – I read every one and love hearing from you. Thanks for listening and we’ll talk soon friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • The thing you need and deserve that isn’t your family, your spouse, or extra money
  • Why it took me laying on the ground of a bathroom to realize what this thing meant to me
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 9: Opt Out. Cancelled. Done.


What do you do when you’re in a situation where you aren’t respected? Where you know someone doesn’t want the best for you?

I used to think of 100 ways to take revenge, to comeback at them. Now, I do something different and that’s exactly what we’re talking about in this episode of the Nicole Walters Podcast.

Listen in to hear a story about a time where I just had to walk away. If this episode speaks to you, if you’re shouting YES NICOLE! on the other end, share this one with a friend or let me know in a review! Thanks for listening and I’ll talk to you soon friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • What to do when you’re in a relationship that just doesn’t serve you, your family, or your goals
  • Why it’s so important to not waste time on things or people that don’t care for you
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 8: People Aren’t Dollar Signs


Scalability is something you should be thinking about when starting a side hustle but you can’t automate everything.

In this episode I share one thing I do that had many industry experts questioning me early on. And even telling me, “Nicole, you can’t do this!”

Listen in to hear the one thing that makes us different – yep, you and I – because I know you’ll feel the same way.

How will you show up in your business? Let me know on instagram or by writing a review on Apple Podcasts! I read and appreciate every review! And if you’re ready to work together, head over to 1K1Day.com to join us now. See you there!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • The one thing that makes me (and you!) different in business
  • Why I don’t automate everything in my business
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 7: Disrupt Don’t Duplicate


In a sea of same-ness, I want you to be different. I want you to be YOU!

In this episode we dive into why your unique gift sets you apart and how to disrupt, not duplicate what’s currently out there.

Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend and let me know by writing a review!

Thanks for listening!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • The one thing you may not be able to avoid in running a business
  • How to stick out from everyone else in your industry
Resources and links mentioned in this episode: