Episode 6: You Don’t Need Everyone

Episode 6: You Don't Need Everyone


In the online space we’re told to grow our following, increase our reach, and the bigger the better!

But I need you to know that you don’t need everyone!

When you start seeing success, there are bound to be some people that just can’t jump on board. In this episode of the Nicole Walters Podcast I tell you a story and explain how to get past those that don’t support you.

How has your personal or professional growth affected those close to you?

Let me know by writing a review! I love hearing how these episodes touch you. Thanks for listening!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • Why not everyone, even close friends, will support you in living our your purpose and how to deal with it
  • How to know if what you’re doing is right when others don’t support you
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 5: Guard Your Greatness


Are you guarding your greatness?

The story I share in this episode is one I’ve never told anywhere else.

I was NERVOUS to tell it but my goal is to always share my truth so that you can discover yours.

I wanted to tell you this story but I always wanted you to start thinking about who you let influence you. What are you consuming on a regular basis and how is that affecting you?

Listen in and tell me what you think by writing a review!

And share this episode with someone that helps you guard your greatness. Thanks for listening!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • How my business almost took a complete left turn 18 months ago,
  • What to do if your confused about a big business or personal decision
  • Why you should be cautious of who you let influence you
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 4: Balance is Bogus


Yep, you read that right, balance is BOGUS!

The fact is that even when we try every tactic to balance being a mom, wife, businesswoman, friend, sister, and any other titles you and I may have, we often fall short and thats OKAY!

We have to give ourselves, and others, grace!

Listen in to hear how embracing the imbalance is part of the journey!

If this episode made a difference for you, share it with a friend and let me know by writing a review! Thanks for listening!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • Why you don’t need another journal, more focus, or anything to finally balance it all
  • How to show up and be present in the moment
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 3: You are Not Kim Kardashian


Unlike Kim Kardashian, you have to show up and work!

It doesn’t matter how many followers you have or who you hang out with, you have to DO something to get paid!

In this episode, I share a story of how I built a fantastic relationship with a big brand early on as a blogger.

How did I do this? I showed up. Listen in to hear how to set yourself apart in business. It’s easy, if you do it!

If you enjoyed the show, let us know what you think by writing a review on Apple Podcasts. Thanks for listening friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • How I set myself apart in business, and you can too!
  • Why you have to keep showing up to make money
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 2: Do the Work


No one has ever become a millionaire from just existing.

I don’t know where this crazy rumor came from that you could make money by just being yourself.

In order to make money, to have a business, you need a service, an offering, and a way to help people! Even when you work in your purpose, you’ll still have to WORK to get paid!

In this episode I share how I monetized my blog and paid for a vacation through affiliate marketing. Don’t know what affiliate marketing is? Don’t worry, you’re probably already doing it!

There are three questions you should ask yourself to identify the service or offering you’ll need to provide to make money! Ask yourself:
1. What do people compliment me for?
2. What service for others would I do for free?
3. What really makes my heart sing and brings me joy?

Remember, you can get paid doing what you love and you deserve to be happy in what you do. But you’ve got to do the work!

If you liked this episode, write us a review! Thanks for listening!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • Why you won’t get paid for just being yourself
  • How I monetized my blog and paid for a vacation
  • The three questions to ask yourself to identify a service you can provide
Resources and links mentioned in this episode: