Family Matters

Family Matters

Family Matters

Friends, it turns out that who your partner’s family is is important. Did y’all know this?! This was news to me but not to Alex – he’s been making partner choices based on their family for years!

In this chat, Alex and I chat about why your extended family matters! We both share our previous experiences with our partner’s family and how it led us to leave or stay in the relationship.

The fact is every family is different and there’s no shame in that but is their “different” good for you?

Ruining Relationships?!

Ruining Relationships?!

Friend, you know that I’m committed to bringing experts and highly qualified people to chat with us, in inform us, and to help us make moves to a better life. For those reasons, I’m so excited to bring you into this chat with Dr. Patrick McGrath, Chief Clinical Officer of NOCD.

In this chat with Dr. McGrath, we talk specifically about relationship OCD and how it differs from anxiety, personality disorders, and general worrying.

With therapy, the first step can be the hardest but after that each step tends to be easier. NOCD provides effective, affordable, and convenient virtual therapy for all types of OCD and I encourage you to learn more at and schedule a free 15-minute call with their team.

I Am Not Explaining Myself

I Am Not Explaining Myself

I’m Not Explaining Myself

This whole season we have been talking about surrendering and the peace we can acquire from doing so. In the process of letting go in my own life, I’ve had to confront my habit of over-explaining. Are you with me, friend? Let’s get into it!

Kids withOUT Social Media, feat. Ally Walters

Kids withOUT Social Media, feat. Ally Walters

Did you hear about the ninth grader that was the last person in her grade to get a phone? Friend, this is a hot button issue so today we’re chatting with the leading expert in MY house on all things middle school, my daughter, Ally!

Ally shares what is really going on at her school when it comes to phone usage, how she feels about her own phone and our policies, PLUS what it’s like growing up as an introvert (living with two extroverts!)

I’m so proud of how the tips Ally shared in this chat and I know you’ll feel similar, friend! Hit play to get a little dose of middle school life and how we’re managing tech!

Escaping Your Life

Escaping Your Life

Years ago I couldn’t imagine living a life that I didn’t need a constant break from. What I thought was self care was actually me escaping from the stressful life circumstances that I had created. Friend, in this chat we’re diving into what I’ve learned in order to build a life that I don’t need to escape from. If you can relate, this chat is for you! Are there boundaries you need to put in place? Something you need to walk away from? Friend, it’s up to you.