Imagine your Quit Day


Hi Richfriend,

I’m curious, does your morning start a little like this?

That cannot be my alarm already. Oh my gosh! Why?! What I wouldn’t do to have a different job, or just work for myself.

If this is where you are, take a deep breath – you’re gonna be fine. But two things need to happen. For starters, we need to shift your focus from what you hate to what you love. Then, we need to put together an exit strategy.

Right now, you’ve embarked on a journey that’s going to lay the foundation for that quit day you’ve always dreamed of. But it’s not going to be quick or easy. To see real results, you’re going to have to commit to your craft and the process. That requires an investment of time, effort and money. To keep you focused on the prize, you’re going to need a source of motivation to turn to when things get hard. Because trust me, they will.

Today I want you to take 30 minutes and write out your Quit Day letter to your boss. Really, tune in and write this exit letter.

Your future is riding on it.

Once you’ve finished your Quit Day letter, go to and submit your Quit Day letter into our Quit Day vault.

Once you’re there, click the vault icon on the page, select your Quit Day file and click “Open” to upload your letter. Lastly, check box to let me know whether or not you you give me permission to read your letter. I totally get-it if you want it to stay private.

Then, keep it in a safe place for yourself – somewhere you can pull it out and refer back to it often. You can even frame it and put it up somewhere you’ll see it every day to get that extra boost.

I’m excited for you, Richfriend. We’re just getting started!

Chat Soon,
