Mind Your Business

Mind Your Business

Mind Your Business

Have you noticed that we somehow, collectively, forgot how to mind our OWN business? In this chat we’re talking through the difference between being curious and the craziness that transpires when we forget entirely how to mind your business.

Have you seen the shift? We’ve got to have this chat, friend, because we’re all responsible. Because of that, we’ve all got to choose better.

Hit play so we can do better, together. Thanks for being here!


Hey y’all, I want to jump right in and I first want to acknowledge how sad this news is. This isn’t a headphone warning, but you probably already heard that Princess Catherine of Wales was recently diagnosed with an unspecified form of cancer. And if you didn’t hear, you know, um, I’m sad to deliver the news, you know, I am going to be really transparent.

You guys know how I am. I am African, right? So I’m not going to, it’s not missed or lost on me that, um, You know, the history of the royal family in the UK is fraught with everything from, invasion to colonizing to, you know, everything. I mean, so, I do want to be clear. As an African, I have very specific thoughts about sort of the, the royal dynasty.

But I also, will never, as Nicole Walters, not have humanity, you know, for, another woman, another mom. She has three littles, George, Louie, and Charlotte, you know, and she’s a wife, you know, and above all else, she’s just another person. And cancer, it’s non discriminatory, you know, and, uh, as, uh, for those of you who’ve been here for a while, you know that I’m, I’ve been personally impacted by cancer, uh, with my middle daughter, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma at, age 17.

And I’m really grateful because she is here. She’s healthy. She’s had completely clean scans after her rounds of chemotherapy and we just thank God for that. But having gone through the cancer journey with her and, you know, experienced difficulty of that, which is also detailed in my book, Nothing is Missing.

If you’ve read it, uh, it’s a New York Times bestseller. It’s on shelves everywhere. You know, I talk about, um, That trial in depth because it isn’t really something I’ve talked about in other places. But you know, for those who read the book, you know that besides being expensive and taxing on, you know, the kiddo or the family member who’s actually doing the fight.

Uh, for the family, everybody’s impacted. You know, my heart goes out to her because there’s nothing that, uh, really brings you down to earth. You know, you can have a crown on your head, but you will be absolutely human if you have to look at your babies and explain to them that mommy’s not well. And um, you know, that, that battle is a scary one to fight and it’s a diagnosis that no one deserves.

You know, cancer sucks. but all that being said, what I wanted to speak to is something I touched on on Instagram earlier this week, and I wanted to expand the conversation around it here. SoHave you been keeping up with KateGate? Because over the past about six weeks, it has been utter madness around Princess Kate’s diagnosis.

And when I tell you it was unbelievable. Some of the conversation that was being had everything from speculating as to where she’s been it all started with if you haven’t kept up with the KK because if you’re like me, you are one super busy right with the kiddos with life all the things but also I’m not that hip when it comes to the pop culture call me an old lady I think I’m getting to that window where I don’t even know who the musicians are anymore like is that Billy is that some little something I don’t know right I’m not that hip but what I will tell you is that if it even gets to me, the thing is too big.

Right? It is like, I know all the things that are really big. So the cake gate was a whole thing where basically the royal family announced formally as they do, you know, that she’s going into surgery for an abdominal surgery and that she’ll be recovering thereafter. And the reason why they made the announcement is because, part of the job of the royal family is to be.

ambassadors, if you will. So they often will represent both the UK as well as themselves as a family, through international charitable endeavors or at royal and state events. And so one of the main roles of Kate is to be that representative at those things. So if she is, if her schedule is sort of off the docket and she’s out for a while, then people will speculate because that information is public knowledge.

And part of why it’s public knowledge in the UK is because the royal family, lives off of taxes. They live off of personal wealth, um, and, you know, I just, I can’t not say it, you know, as an African woman. They live off of all the jewels and riches that they’ve stolen from other countries, particularly Africa and the Caribbean.

I gotta say it out loud, it’s true. We just go, look, you guys know how I am with grace, right? We can tell the truth, and it can be true, and we can still also have, have a heart for people going through hardship. The truth is, the royal family in the UK is very wealthy because of what they have, have stolen from others.

and they are living off of that, right? But because of the, the set up of the monarchy, They do have to share, you know, what they’re doing and where they’re going as their role within the royal structure. And they’re well loved, right? In the UK, people follow them. They’re like celebrities, you know, it is, you know, It is how it’s been, you know, since the beginning of time.

But, um, you know, it doesn’t change that there’s still people. So in any case, she announces and shares that she’s not going to be on the docket because she’s going into this surgery. Well, the response to that publicly was kind of like, Oh, okay, surgery. And I can honestly say it wasn’t, That big of a deal?

There was a little bit of speculation, like, oh, what type of surgery? Oh, man, we hope she’s okay, but it was no big deal. Well, soon after the surgery, uh, after the, you know, she went in, she wasn’t really spotted, you know, and a week passed, then another week passed, then a third week passed, and, uh, people started saying, like, hey, you know, we haven’t seen Kate, is she okay?

And, they did release a statement saying, yeah, you know, she’s okay, she’s fine, she’s just recovering, but that just didn’t seem to be enough. Now, I want to take you back to a little bit in history where, this isn’t unusual, right, for people to demand to see a member of the royal family immediately after hearing that they are going through a medical or physical procedure.

Um, I’m a little bit of a history nerd, but this was actually something that was a pretty standardized process, uh, that dates back to, uh, Way, way, way, way, way back when, like, so the first kings where after childbirth or after any sort of medical thing, or even if there was speculation that a king was hurt or a queen was sick or someone was ill, an appearance, a physical appearance of that Queen or king was required out of tradition so that everyone knew that the monarchy existed and that a power couldn’t be overthrown.

And it was, it was actually part of the process to physically see them because that was the only way to know they were still alive. So you will notice, and I’m sure mamas, you will understand what I mean when I say this. After, uh, Princess Kate had each of her children, she’s had three, within, I want to say like 48 hours or so, will usually do an appearance where she is fully dressed, fully decked out, holding the baby, and she does like a photo op from like a balcony near the hospital or back at home or something like that, right, near the palace.

And the reason she does that is out of tradition. It is out of tradition. She survived. The baby survived. Everything is copacetic. Here, here I am, right? Now, as mamas who have had babies, I have not biologically delivered, but I, I have heard, right? That is crazy. That is, can we just say out loud how insane that is?

It is that for the sake of tradition, we are making this woman, this human woman get up out of bed and put on traditional clothes. Y’all Kate was in there and like button up or in a button down, beautiful wool coat, you know, waving and smiling with perfectly coiffed hair and makeup. When I know she has one of those big diaper pads on, you know, she’s sitting there wondering when she’s going to poop again.

Right? Like her body has been through a controlled car accident. Okay. In terms of delivery. And she is out there standing and waving because people need to make sure she’s good. Cause a tradition, like send a sweet text, do a, do a tweet. I’m good. Here I am with the baby, cute little selfie, like everybody else with my hospital gown, hanging half off my shoulder and a little bit of sweat on my brow.

Let’s be real. Let’s be real. But speaking to tradition, there was concern because six weeks passed since her abdominal surgery, where. We had not seen Kate. The world had not seen her. And now, because of the internet, so much speculation. It goes from, did she make it out of the surgery? To, where is she? Did she run away?

To, is she cheating? To, you know, what is she up to? I mean, all of this, when I tell you, running the gamut. And then, there were, and this is where, um, You know, there’s a lot of talk about how the Royal Family PR team, because of course, you know, they have their own PR team, they have their own crisis management, they are a proper organization, where they let her down, where they started to release photos that had clearly been adulterated, right?

So they had old pictures that maybe had not been previously released or, you know, whatever, that they photoshopped to make it look like they were more recent. And everyone picked up on it, right? Like you can’t Photoshop Jack. You can’t put a filter on. We know the filters, you know what I mean? They’re not your lips.

That’s not your cheekbones. Like we know, right? And that is exactly what happened. So those got released and everyone was like, these are fake. And what is going on? Because that basically stoked the fire. People were like, if y’all are releasing fake photos, like, is this actually okay? And I will say, you know, pause on this, to the world’s credit, I would say it was probably like 50 50, right?

50 percent of people were legit worried. They were like, is she actually okay? Like, what did y’all do to this girl? Like, where did she go? And then 50 percent of people were just kind of like, conspiracy, conspiracy, like what’s happening in this world? Just nosy. So, there ended up being kind of a series of photos where everyone was like, this is fake.

And then finally, there is a physical appearance of Kate. Where they show her going apple picking or something. Uh, in an orchard on video with her husband, William. the next in line to be king. And Long story short, because the speculation had already started, people said that this wasn’t Kate, this was a body double, maybe it’s AI.

I mean, it was just a hot mess. It wasn’t enough to quiet the storm. And within a few days after that, a statement was released, and that brings us to kind of where we are today, because that was maybe, I want to say, Four days ago now and Kate sat in front of camera straight to the world where she shared that yes, she’d gone through a surgery and yes, she was in recovery and yes, it had been a while and, and she knows that everyone’s concerned and then she shared she’s dealing with a cancer diagnosis and that she’s going to be going through chemotherapy and she’s been dealing with telling that to her children as a mom and she really hopes that everyone respects her privacy.

Now, you can go online and Google and look at all the think pieces about people saying like is this really her singer statement? Is this AI? Is it, you know, because conspiracy theorists will conspiracy, right? Like that is what they do. But taking everything at face value, you know, and honoring this woman’s word at what she’s saying.

All I could think when I saw this statement, one was I hurt for her, like I was so sad because I know the journey she’s about to go on and when I tell you when you get a diagnosis like that in your family or in your home and For those of you who have received a similar diagnosis or in your family, in your home, or for those of you, you know, I pray never receive it or, but deal with other challenges.

It, it hits in a way where the last thing you want to do is worry about how someone else feels. I have barely processed. The time I’ve literally written a book about it. We are almost five years out from it My baby is healthy and well and I get to you know, hold her and touch her and everything But every time I lose someone to cancer and sadly it’s happening more often I just lost a friend about two weeks ago at age 31 to colon cancer and I When I tell you every time you lose someone you remember how lucky you are that you still have the people who have survived it including my baby and You just don’t it just recovery from that trauma is hard The last thing you want is to have to worry about massaging what other people think or expect you want to focus on the fight That’s where your mind should be So here we have this woman who is you know in the middle of a fight for her life Literally, with three young babies under the age of 10 on a public platform, felt that the priority was to massage the rumors, to address others feelings, and to lay to rest conversation.

That was distracting her from focusing on her fight. Now whether or not she had to do this at the prompting of the palace, you know, the firm, the organization, or she felt the need to do it herself, um, I could not shake, and I wonder if, and this is kind of where I want you guys to kind of tap into your hearts, your brains, your experiences.

I could not shake the feeling outside of sadness of, I should not be seeing this. Like, this is too much. This is not my business. Like, Princess Catherine of Wales, has cancer and it’s none of my damn business. And when I tell you, I find myself saying this more and more on the internet. As I watch content, as I see things on reality TV, As I listen to podcasts, I start wondering at what point did our own business become sufficient for us to mind?

I am learning things about people that not only do I not want to know, but I don’t need to know. I don’t know if I need to know the regularity of your bowel movements. I get it’s a wellness podcast and we’re all trying to improve ourselves, but is that something I needed to know? I don’t know if I need the in detail reporting around someone’s sexual proclivities and what happens in their bedroom.

Even if it is salacious or interesting or, there’s a curiosity that can be satisfied, I don’t need to know that. It’s, it’s, I don’t even know if I want to know that. Do I really need to know why someone got divorced? I mean, honestly, I don’t even know if I need to know if they got divorced.

It’s just none of my business. And I have to tell you that it had me thinking when I saw this very clear display of a woman prioritizing everyone else’s feelings and thoughts and expectations over her health, that I realized, did we break something in our society? Have we, have we forgotten? what it is to see the humanity in someone else and honor their boundaries.

How entitled have we become? And so I want to talk about that because one, this isn’t a chastising of all of us, right? Like, because there is something that we all share. And I want to be really clear about this. I don’t want us to feel guilty or weird in this emotion as we stand in it for a second, but we are all curious people.

That is humanity. I all day, I’m like, Oh, what’s the tea? Right. We all have our little, like, we want to know the, the juice, the gossip. Like that is the desire to know those things. That feeling, that inclination is super human. That is like a normal behavior to be curious. And it is normal to also feel good and to feel a release when that curiosity is satisfied.

Right. So if you’re like, man, I haven’t seen her. On her, her man on her social media for a while, right? Like, who hasn’t, look, I’ll raise my hand first. Who hasn’t known a couple, loved a couple, and noticed that they were always in stuff, see them on their social media, and then realize that, I haven’t really seen her fella in a while or whatever, and then done the scroll to be like, when was the last time I even seen them on?

Oh, she hasn’t posted him in a minute, right? Like, we’ve all kind of done that, that messy curiosity dig, right? And then we, we get the release when they finally say, Oh, we’ve had a divorce or we’re separated. And we’re like, Oh, and then we feel good because we say to ourselves, Oh my gosh, like I was wondering that thing.

And I, you know, and now I know. And, you know, so here’s where I think we’ve kind of tipped the scale after that curiosity is satisfied, if at all. Here’s what I noticed seems to be a bit of a divergence from what I grew up with. I think. Growing up, it was always kind of, oh, we wish them well, we pray for them, you know, we hope they’re okay.

Oh my gosh, that’s something. And maybe you might have in some back rooms amongst very close friends in a small group, we were kind of like, what’s going on? Are they okay? You know, or yeah, I heard she’s going through an illness and you know, whatever we need to be supportive. And usually that languaging goes around how to support, not to say people haven’t gossiped since the beginning of time, but you know what I mean.

Now? I just feel like we’re at a place where when that happens, we start doing a public speculation and then we start looking for supportive data to support our, our opinion. And then we roll with it and rewrite narratives that we think help that. So I want to take myself as an example. So I had a very long and complex divorce process, right?

And, I’d like to say that wasn’t my doing. I would like to say that, you know, it’s just that is how divorce is, right? It’s long and complex and, uh, it can be, right? And, I really took it very seriously to preserve the dignity of not just my ex, but as well as you know, what my children would have access to.

It was very important to me to keep it as private as possible. It was really important to me to not discuss with my peers, with my children, with the public, any intimate details around my relationship, around the nuances in my marriage, and if I did speak about my healing process and what I’ve gone through to really just talk about me and kind of where I am and what I’ve learned And that’s because part of my platform is sharing how I’ve grown and the lessons I’ve learned, but it’s never been a salacious thing.

So anyone who’s listened in, anyone who has tuned in consistently, both here or on Instagram or, you know, in any of my platforms, or even if you actually read my book, one of the number one pieces of feedback I get in my book is that, I love the way you maintained the dignity of your partner. Like I never revealed any like medical information or diagnosis or anything.

I just talked about the thing that happened in front of me and kind of my experiences with it. But I was always very careful to preserve the dignity of those that I write about. or that I speak about. And the reason I do that is because of something that I, a grace that I want afforded to me as well. No matter how people have shown up in my life or continue to show up in my life, it’s really important to me to extend them the grace and the opportunity to change.

And this is something that I think is missing in how we look at people on the internet or celebrities or anyone else. As they’re going through things, we are really quick to feel like we have a gotcha moment where we are, oh, I always knew there was something up with their marriage, or oh, I always knew there was something up with their health, or oh, I always knew there was something up with their body, or their business, or their money, or their whatever.

And then we, you know, look to kind of have this gotcha moment as if there are gold medals that are handed out, if you’re correct. You know, if we, if we see their suffering and we named it first, uh, we, we win. Right? And, um, and so it was really important for me to not do that because I didn’t want to create a narrative for someone that they couldn’t get out of, right?

Um, knowing that I have, you know, a platform and all that, it’s important to me that anyone in my life, my children especially, are able to write and be their own people. And to grow and change and enter new relationships and lives and worlds and careers and, and be who they are, right, and who they want to be.

Because the world we live in, you know, we can’t escape speculation. I have heard everything from, um, my current partner that I’m in a relationship with is, um, you know, doesn’t work or, you know, like, or, you know, That I pay him like you just hear the craziest things to my ex was physically abusive, which he was not categorically, you know, um, to, you know, we broke up because of cheating, which we did not neither of us at all.

I’m I’m not a cheat and I don’t cheat. That’s like not my character. I’m fiercely loyal. If you were to look at my, uh, sign, you would understand, right? I just, I do not play that. but all that being said, and, and my partner doesn’t either, or my ex didn’t either, you know, like, as far as I know, you know, that is not who he is, who he’s ever been, or who he’s ever shown himself to be.

So, um, That’s not something that happened there, but I never addressed any of those things because they just don’t, they’re nobody’s business, right? Like, it’s, it’s weird to think that that’s something that needs to be discussed, but I was shocked when, as much as I do share here, that people wanted to know more.

And that’s what I mean when I say when that curiosity transcends and, and slips into an entitlement to the knowledge and the fact that people will say, no, please hold this boundary. I am not sharing this information. And here is even the reason why I’m not sharing it because of my children, because of my own health recovery process, because of my mental state, because of whatever.

And. To only be told, well, this is the real reason you’re not sharing, and this thing must be true, and so on and so forth, right? We have got to do better. We have got to do better. When I tell you this speculation and this entitlement to pieces of people that they don’t want to share is harmful, it is dangerous, and it can actually cause people’s demise.

Some of the things that I have heard speculated about my children, about my partner, about my ex, even some of the things that people say about my ex, like I have to tell you, I may not be married to him, but I do not dislike that man. I do not wish him ill. Right. Like at all, like not even remotely, you know what I mean?

Like I do not have any, we are just not meant to be together. That is it. Right. It is not even, I don’t know if you can be with someone for that long. And like, Have like hate in your heart for them. I don’t have hate in my heart for him. There are things that I don’t like that he does to this date, but that, that’s not new.

Like even when I was married to him, I felt that way, you know? And when I hear people speak negatively about him, that doesn’t feel good. I don’t speak negatively about him myself. I, so the idea that other people take it upon themselves to say that, or even. Like phrasing like, uh, and this I’ve heard before, you got too good for him.

When I hear that on some levels, it’s offensive to me because yes, if someone improves themselves, they shouldn’t stay in a state that in a situation that doesn’t suit them, right? Like, duh, right? If you have a job that you are now, um, too skilled for, you should find a new job, right? But that’s also not what happened here because the implication that I got too good for someone is implying that like my, my ex is not good, you know?

And. That’s so unkind. It’s so unkind. And the idea that people feel entitled to details about anything is just so gross, so gross, and it’s so harmful. And, it’s not required to show up in the way that we need to show up our best in the world. In that time that Kate asked to just recover from her surgery, It took nothing of us to afford her that time.

It took nothing. We all have other things we can do. We’re all busy enough with our own lives. And the idea that we were so invested in speculating while this woman is navigating chemotherapy.

I mean, think about this. She’s navigating chemotherapy. And I pray that she had a force field around her that was keeping out the noise, but people were literally saying she was cheating on her husband. Like sit in that for a minute, sit in that for a minute. There are women who are going through divorce because they have been abused by their husbands.

And there are people saying she thinks she’s too good for him. While that very narcissist is echoing the same sentence and you are literally playing into the same harm. Like, think about that. People will hurt themselves. It is so dangerous to play that game. And then you have to ask yourself why. Why are you doing it?

What is the value? What was the value of playing that speculation around Kate’s life? Entertainment? Is that really worth it? And so all I can say is this, we have gotten into a culture where clicks and cash prevail and people will cross any line in order to acquire both of them. Frankly, they’re not even equivalent anymore.

It used to be that clicks turned into cash. People just want the clicks now. And that is sufficient, right? It’s a, it’s a, a currency of validation. That is enough. But I want to let you know, don’t play into it because if you play into this, understand that the trickle down arrives at your front door. If you continue to raise a, a child and a generation and a world where people feel entitled to cross your boundaries, Where they feel entitled to know pieces of you that are typically not Divulged and in our society have never been something that people need to know people don’t need to know how often you sleep with your Husband people don’t need to know, you know What you like to do with your husband, people don’t need to know how much money you make and the bills you have, particularly when that’s not their business.

That’s not what they do. I think that is also a huge part of what you need to be aware of. Why do you need to know about someone’s personal health and body wellness when their job is being a baker, right? If my job is baking cakes, why do you care if I got a boob job? Like we have literally gotten to a place in our society where we feel entitled to every element of someone, whether or not that is what they do.

And I have to tell you that that can arrive at your front door as well, because what I’m noticing from the next generation is that they’re starting to believe that they have to share everything publicly. When they don’t even have the brain development and filters to know what is appropriate to hold back and what is not.

So when they’re angry, they go on the internet, they share that piece, only to regret having shared that information. When they are in situations where they see a fight occurring, instead of calling 9 1 1, they take out their phone and record it. Because it matters more to get clicks and cash and they’d rather cross that boundary and, and turn what they’re seeing into entertainment because they don’t recognize that suffering is something that needs to be eradicated and not enjoyed.

And I have to tell you that we do have the opportunity to change that immediately and it starts within self. I’ve found myself now, if I’m scrolling through social media and I am triggered to say, Hey, What is this and why am I watching it? I start saying, you know what, I’m going to opt to do something else.

My energy and my mind and my brain deserves to be somewhere else. I do not need to consume things that are being fed to me in order to train and teach me to become comfortable. with boundaries being crossed. Because once you become comfortable with boundaries being crossed, then you will have your own foggy grayness around what is appropriate to share and what is appropriate not to share.

And once people can get to you that way, then you lose total control of self. I have to let you know it’s a bigger issue, and it is an issue that doesn’t just exist solely. solely with influencers, personalities, and celebrities. If your brain even says to you, well, those people chose to be public, well, those people make money.

And so that is the price they pay for being public figures. Well, that’s why I don’t want to be famous. I want to be abundantly clear. When you see video footage of kids fighting on social, everybody in that video is broke. And yet now their worst and lowest moment will be what defines them. Because people didn’t understand that they needed to get in and step in the way of suffering rather than turning it into entertainment for the masses.

Understand that this mindset that you think is exclusive to people who have elected to have public visibility will now come to you as well. And we just can’t play into it. We have to identify and call it out and say this isn’t appropriate. That we should not partake in enjoyment of suffering and, and we shouldn’t be looking at someone and projecting and, and, uh, wondering whether or not it’s, it’s good and fun to have conversation about.

It’s not. It’s gross. It’s wrong. It’s weird. Now, we can be curious. Yes. We can say, this is interesting, let’s look at a historical background of what these things might mean. That’s not uncommon, they do that politically all the time. You know, it’s not uncommon to, uh, you know, talk about what you do know. If you watch the news, this is very, like, if there’s a situation, they’ll say, here’s what we know.

And they’ll repeat that over and over and over and over again. Because that is what responsible news is. Is that is what responsible reporting is what it looks like is. Hey, we are at the scene. There’s breaking news. This is what we know. And we will report more when we know it as fact. This is what we know.

So if you’re wondering, what is the line, Nicole, to T? You can talk all day about the T that you know. Verified, fact based, actual. You cannot continue to then go into, this is what I think it is, based on things I don’t actually know. And I’m also going to bring this speculative mess to the front door of the person who is suffering.

Once you cross into that, you are becoming entitled to things that do not belong to you. You are no longer minding your business and what you are doing is harmful. And so I say all of this to say that, look, I’m practicing it also. I am the queen of unsolicited advice. Look at me right now, screaming in your ear about how we need to do better.

I need to do better too. I am not exempt. But I also will say that if we do this collectively together, we’re going to build a world that is better, not just for us, but for our kids, where our kids are going to return to a value system that isn’t based on being selfish, that isn’t based on being entitled, that isn’t based on, on crossing people’s boundaries for the sake of entertainment, because nothing matters more than popularity.

And We’re getting to a point where we need to put our foot down and say that this is what matters most. It’s why all of our kids want to be influencers, because they feel like that is what matters the most. It’s the number one job that kids say that they want nowadays, is to be an influencer or video gamer.

Like, we’re responsible. We’re responsible. Look at what you’re consuming. Analyze it for whether or not it’s your business or if it does anything and brings value to your life. And if you find yourself wanting to cross that line where you feel entitled to more information or you want to speculate publicly or even in a gossip style way or comment, resist.

Because you have no idea the harm that you could be causing upon someone that doesn’t deserve it. And even more so, you don’t want that someday to be you. Friend, we can do better together. We can grow. And I’m in it with you.

In this episode we chat about:
  • KateGate and how our curiosity seems to be unleashed,
  • What we are entitled to as consumers and creators on social media,
  • How we all play a role in the positive and negatives changes we see, and
  • Why this issue of minding your business is not just for celebrities and influencers
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:
  • Let’s connect over on Instagram and Facebook!
  • Grab my New York Times Bestselling memoir, Nothing is Missing, HERE!
  • Book a 20 min call to see if working together is the right next step for you!
  • Don’t miss our last chat about Middle School and raising teenagers – Listen here or Watch here
  • I love reading your reviews of the show! You can share your thoughts on Apple here!
More about the Nicole Walters Podcast

If you’re looking for the strategies and encouragement to pursue a life of purpose, this is the podcast for you! Week after week Nicole Walters will have you laughing hysterically while frantically taking notes as she shares her own personal stories and answers your DMs about life, business, and everything in between.

As a self-made multimillionaire and founder of the digital education firm, Inherit Learning Company, Nicole Walters is the “tell-it-like-it-is” best friend that you can’t wait to hang out with next.

When Nicole shows up, she shows OUT, so tune in each week for a laugh, a best friend chat, plus the strategies and encouragement you need to confidently live a life of purpose.

Follow Nicole on IG @NicoleWalters and visit inheritlearningcompany.com today and click the button to join our betterment community. Your membership gives you access to a world of people and tools focused on helping you build the life you want.

Showing up on EMPTY!

Showing up on EMPTY!

Showing up on EMPTY!

Friend, I know that we are similar in that we want to show up and give our all. This mentality, to show up as if you’re Beyonce at a stadium performance EVERY TIME, has earned me a multi-million dollar business but at a cost. I was chronically late and showing up on empty.

I’ll skip ahead and say as I unlearn this behavior, I am still accomplishing all I want.

In this chat, we talk through how to give the show of your life without paying for it with your life.

I have so many lessons to share here friend – don’t miss it!

Season 4, Episode 4



Friends, we have been having the best chats in season four. When I said unfiltered, when I said, we’re gonna get right to it, I mean it and the same thing is gonna happen here today.

I want to talk about, you know, first, honestly, how I’ve been showing up halfway in some spaces, and I want to talk to you and hopefully, you know, inspire and push and encourage and give you tools to stop doing it yourself. You know, one, I do want to, obviously start with grace. A lot of us have been showing up part way in certain spaces, because we’re just exhausted. Not only is it the end of the year, but life demands a lot of us. And if you listen to, you know, one of our earlier episodes this season where I talked about, you know, having entitled people around you and being a chronic fixer and emphasizing your boundaries, you know, all these things are taxing to us, and they cause a lot of drain. But I have to let you know, one of the byproducts of that is that we go into spaces, and we are less than our best selves.

So one of the things that I’ve been working on, is that my chronic lateness, you know, if you already know me, or if you’ve been around me, you know, I am chronically late. And, you know, I will explain the sort of the why of why I’m late. But it certainly is an excuse and one of the things I’ve really learned is that whether there’s a reason for it, or an excuse for it, or, you know, some sort of validation for the behavior, you’re still responsible to change it, right? And not being late is something I’m actively working on in 2024.

Now, I realized that the reason why I was late to or am late, you know, often to so many things that I have improved tremendously, is because I overschedule myself. I mean, literally, I see the symptom of so many other behaviors: wanting to do so much and be so much and help and over committing and being overly generous. And also allowing people to push my boundaries, which happens on calls, I let people go 10 minutes too late, or I get them out of my office a little late, all of those things, you know, all of that is a byproduct of me learning to be a reformed people pleaser and learning to protect my energy. But the manifestation of that for the longest time was that I was late all the time, whether it was 10 minutes, 15 minutes an hour 30 or having to cancel because I just was not going to pull it through, you know, getting out of the door was so difficult because I was just living life booked! Meeting to meeting, it was just overwhelming. And what I found, you know, and what you may find when you are entering spaces where you have to perform, whether it’s work, parenting, you know, even a relationship or a date is that when you arrive, you’re less than your best self and a lot of that has to do with the preparation or the boundaries or expectations that you had room you were to be ready for.

And so what I found, especially with the lateness and showing up on time, is that I have to say to myself, it’s more important that I’m on time, you know, than it is that I’m perfect. And that’s been a really hard thing for me to admit because I always thought well, wouldn’t they prefer, you know, they meaning the meeting, the opportunity, the person that whatever, that I show up, looking my best and, you know, maybe having the gift perfectly wrapped or, you know, showing up with whatever, you know, I was always worried that that would be seen as worse, if you will, than me, you know, showing up late, but the truth is, me arriving is enough, right?

And when you start to recognize that your presence, your knowledge, your gifting is the primary thing and it’s sufficient, it really does help with stripping away some of the worry and the concern about showing up in the perfect way.

Now, I say all of this to say that I talked about this in my book, I have a chapter, hapter four where I talk about showing up as if the room is a stadium. And when I wrote that chapter, you know, the story that I referenced in there, and if you’ve read it, you already know about this. But one of the things I referenced in there is, you know, in building my business, a lot of my success came from the way that I served. And I say all of this, because full circle, right, I’ve had to reform the way that I serve, in order to sustain and I want you to know that, you know, for those who who are cringing right now, at the idea of, oh my gosh, I’m going to have to show up to this big thing and be less than perfect. Oh, goodness, what if it’s not successful, perfection paralysis, right? You know, I want to let you know, full circle, I want to affirm to you that it’s working. I’m doing less than getting more, you know, people are happy, yada, yada, yada.

So I’m taking you to the end to give you a little bit of ease, but letting you know that for a long time I operated under, you know, anytime I would show up, anytime I was in any room, anytime I would go anywhere, nothing was more important to me than making sure I performed as if I was Beyonce in a stadium.

And the way that I defined that was by leaving all of me on the floor. And I don’t know how many of you have heard that statement or that phrasing before, like, leave it all on the court, leave it all on the field, you know, leave it all on the board room, get out there and give, give, give, give give until you have nothing left. And that’s typically coupled with that is how you win. And even more. So it’s coupled with, if you do that, that is how you know and can sleep at night, no matter the outcome.

Now, I know some of you right now are like yeah, like that is what it is. And you know, I talked about it in the book, and I kind of want to sort of double down but clarify, right? And what I was referencing in the book, and if you’ve read it, you understand, but I want to call out for you here is, in that languaging I really feel like it can be harmful, especially if you don’t understand how to do it in practice. And even worse, if you’re the type of person who already has an inclination or propensity or habit of being an over the top giver and doing the entire most, someone telling you that it is appropriate for you to give until you have nothing left and that is the only way to assure that you’re going to feel good enough about what you did, is so detrimental to your well being. And easily is the type of language that I think, at least for me, you know, instantly indicates that this is not healthy, you know that this is not well.

We should never be asking everyone to give their last to anyone. And, you know, using, you know, being totally raw and honest about it, you know, I think about my divorce, you know, anyone who’s been through a divorce or a breakup, you know, will easily say, Yeah, you know, I just wanted to make sure I had nothing left. You know, that’s common languaging, or I just wanna make sure I did everything. And I want to be able to rest my head at night and say that, you know, I did everything. And, you know, I’ve echoed that as well. And I do feel like I did all that I could, you know, but I would be completely and entirely lying if I said that I didn’t leave with just a little bit left in me.

And I know, some people are gonna hear that and feel the way that they feel about it but I’m okay with it. You know, and, and when I say that I had a little left. And I want to offer that clarification because I think it’s important because I want you to understand the context of what it looks like to really show up as if the room is a stadium and give it your all, leave your all on the field, but also have a little bit left and still be okay with it. What I’m referring to is, I left with something for me. I don’t have to give, and you don’t have to give, all of yourself and all that you are to your work to your children, to your spouse, to your family, to your friends. You are not responsible to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm. And that mindset, that concept that not only should you do that, but that is what’s required so that you can feel good at night, I just want to ask you, friend… So many of you are doing this already. You’re already giving all of yourself to every place that you are, you’re doing all the things all the time for all the people. How do you feel? Do you feel rested? Do you feel like there’s an end in sight to this behavior? Do you feel like you’re improved? Do you feel like you’re getting back a fraction of what you’re putting out in all those spaces where you’re showing up that way?

If you are saying to yourself that’s not the case, I want to let you know that you can decide today to reserve a little bit for yourself. And that there’s nothing wrong with that. Because understand that if at any point in time, those spaces, those stadiums don’t get filled, or those people don’t return the efforts, you and you know, by extension, as a mother, in particular, your babies are going to need you to get back to the top. And when I tell you, I gave my marriage, and the divorce product, by extension, a lot of people don’t talk about how much that takes out of you, after dealing with the process of a breakup, I gave it everything I had, except what I needed to continue. And I’m proud of myself for doing that. And the reason I’m proud of myself for doing that is I had clients in town this week. I run a small, I think the commonly understood phrase is mastermind. But, you know, I really considered a group of… a collective, you know, group of women who are seeking to have proper corporate consultative business support, but really do it in a space that is safe and healthy and balanced between, let’s push ourselves to be OUT best, but also recognize that’s going to vary in the world, right?

So I had these women and you know, we’re all in LA, and we get into the boardroom, we do the work, but we also have great communal fellowship. And, you know, it was so interesting because I started off our session by saying, y’all, I’m in my bag right now. And I gotta tell you, I’m not even sure if I know what that means. It’s what the kids say, right? I’m in my bag. And I’m pretty sure it means, you know, for the cooler people out there who already know and are like, Girl, Nicole, stop, you know. But for those of you who don’t know what that means, it basically means, you know, I’m like, in my season, like I’m in my work, like I’m showing up so, so well in so many spaces. But after I said that to them, I defined what that meant for me, right? Because so many people hear in your bag, and they mean like, Oh, you’re making tons of money, you’re super fit, you’re like getting all the opportunities, you’re crushing it, yada, yada. And yeah, some of that is definitely true. And I’m grateful thank you, Lord, more please, right?

But “in my bag” means I am affirming my boundaries, I have a healthy relationship where we are having regular conversations and growing together, my children are thriving, they are expressing themselves and using their voice. I am confident about who I am and where I am, and where I’m going. I feel proud of my relationships, and that I’m showing up in them as my most honest self, and I am doing excellent work and helping my clients and they are actively getting results based on the work that they’re doing with the direction and guidance of me. I am in my bag.

And understand that there are times where my bank account looked different. My material goods looked different, my marital status looked different. And other people would have said I was in my bag, and I wasn’t.

And when I tell you, recognizing what it looks like, and defining for yourself what it looks like to show up your best but not in exhaustion is the place, it’s the thing, it’s the task, it’s the work, it’s the most important thing you can do going into 2024.

We chatted a couple of weeks back about you know, how everyone, especially in this season, is going to try to tell you what you’re missing, what you lack, what you don’t have, and what and then try to sell you what you need to fill that gap. And you know, as we’re kind of winding down and stepping into the new year, I’ve been having this conversation with a lot of my, you know, client’s about resolutions and resolving to fix something in you that is not right. And I just want to extend to you what I’m extending to them and what I’ve adopted for myself. You know, if nothing’s missing, and nothing is broken, and if all that I have to work with going into 2024 is what’s in front of me, in order to optimize and be better and to grow and I’m not resolving to change anything because nothing about me is wrong or broken, you know, it’s just growing and evolving, well then what would I do differently? What would I do with what’s in front of me?

So instead of saying to yourself, I’m looking externally at what I need to add: a gym membership, a new planner. If you can’t do or get or be or gather a single thing, if you had to live in your body that you have right now at the weight that it is, right, for another year and just say hey, this is where I am and this is who I am. And I have to love myself in this season, while still showing up, right, to that stadium and being great at doing incredible work and serving well, what do I need? And how can I use those things around me in order to do so.

And just as an example of that, you know, if I weren’t able to have a single thing but needed to show up every day for my clients and do the work and make it to the office and be on time, what do I need? I need to affirm my boundaries. I need to communicate well with my partner and my children around what my capabilities are and where I need help. And when I tell you, those are things that I have the ability to use and exercise right now you have so much in front of you right now. And the world has tried to convince you that the thing that’s going to get you ahead is missing, and that you don’t aren’t even worthy of that stadium, you aren’t worthy of the applause if you don’t show up and expend all of yourself, and I just want you to turn inwards, to look immediately around you and say what do I have to get what I need, without giving all that I’ve got, and and know that there’s so much enoughness that resides in that.

I look at kind of what the holiday seasons have been bringing, and this past month, I thought it would be a lot slower, right? There’s this conception that we start to slow down as we wind out the year. But I’m sure you feel the same way. It’s still been crazy. I don’t feel like I’ve had any slow up kind of like summer break, where you’re like, hey, if you’re meant to summer, it’s like, no, like, turn up the kids are here, right? And, you know, I’ve had clients in town, I was in Miami for Art Basel, and I hosted a dinner there where I got to meet so many of you in person, which was really beautiful. And just so you know, if you just look out on the Nicole Walters website and keep up with me on social, I’ll be coming out to, I think San Francisco might be next on the list, and we’ve got Chicago on deck and just hosting really small dinners, you know, 15 or so people. It’s not like a bajillion trillion dollars, literally, we’re, you know, I’m not getting paid for them, we just sit down and hang out, you know, and it’s been really meaningful. So just keep an eye out, if you want to come to one of those dinners and want to hang with, you know, with me and some of your besties for a couple hours. But, you know, I’ve been darting around, you know, the country having these dinners, and I thought it would be quieter this season. It just isn’t. And on top of that, you know, I’ve been making sure I’m catching up on my chats here with you and I’ve been in my office kind of closing out some projects I’m working on for TV and media. And, you know, I’ve also been making time to see friends and gift shopping and all these things and I say all this to say that, you know, I am not this is hard to say out loud, but again, real, unfiltered, whatever, you know, my little one, Puffin, was like, she said this thing this past week that really kind of like, hit me up my core and it was like a little mommy check if you will. And I’m proud of her for using her voice. And I’m proud that we fostered a home where she feels comfortable saying this, but she was like, Oh, Mom, are you staying out again tonight? You know, I don’t mean staying out like partying. But you know, like, I’ll be working late tonight. And I was like, Yeah, you know, I’m gonna be at the office till seven, which means I’ll be home by bedtime, you know, but in the home and time to give you your hug, and then you got to go to bed, you know? And she was like, Oh, well, do you think I can stay up late, then maybe? And, you know, kids won’t always say exactly what’s going on and you know, I’m also that type of mom, maybe I’m reading a smidge too much into it, because I do worry. And I always want to do my best, you know, Mom duty for her. But, you know, I picked up that maybe I’d, you know, shown up just at bedtime or a few minutes before and we weren’t getting as much of our recap time in the past, like maybe two weeks or so. And I knew an adjustment needed to be made, you know, and what was interesting was me of three years ago, would have beat myself up because I wasn’t showing up in my parenting, you know, as if it’s a stadium, even if it’s just one little baby, you know, what I mean? versus my three girls and my big old house and all that, you know, I was like, Oh my gosh, I’m not giving my all to her.

And what was interesting was, yes, that moment, kind of like, shook me a little bit, because I was like, Oh, I’m getting out of balance, I’m getting out of balance. But then I said to myself, girl, grace, okay? Because one, you didn’t give your all to any one of the other places you were in, which means that you have some to give here. And because if we’re going to have to double duty double dose this one, just to make sure she feels a little bonus love. But this is normal because every place you’ve been in has been necessary, worthy and relevant, you know, Mom has been bringing home the paychecks to make sure that we can pay for summer camp and private school and activities because you know, 12 going on 13 going on 15, you know, all of y’all know there’s so much that they’re doing and aside from that, you know, I’ve been performing really, really well. Like I said, I’m in my bag, you know, like really, really well in all of these spaces, you know, which means that you’re probably going to get a little off kilter and other ones and that’s what I mean when I say it’s so important to save just a wee bit because you may have to pour some bonus in an area and sometimes that area is you and it’s important that you have that little bit left, so you can apply it.

So friend, just and I’m hoping some of you’re watching this on YouTube, because I know that, if you don’t know, we are recording all of these for the full chat is on YouTube. And we’ve had such great feedback where everyone says that, you know, being able to look each other in the eye and kind of sit across from each other, that these shots really are feeling like two friends sitting now with coffee, and it just makes me so happy because I do love this time with you but I just want to know, if you’re sitting and you’re seeing my face and this, I really hope you’re hearing and feeling my heart in what is possible, what is possible when you are really leaning into who you are without asking yourself what you lack.

And more than anything, I know that we’re goal driven people. I know that we have a lot on our minds around what we want to be and how we want to show up and we do want to be in that room shining, you know, we do want our name on the board with a gold star sticker next to it. And we do want our kids to say that we’re good moms, and we do want, you know, our partners to say that we’re good wives, and all of that is a beautiful thing but I want to encourage and empower you to know that part of being bold, is starting that definition of what is good enough by writing it yourself and recognizing that that is how you want to show up in the room because it’s not sustainable. You know, if Beyonce got in front of the crowd every day, doing a full on gymnastics routine, you know, and she’s like, I’m no gymnast, you know, like, after a while she’s gonna burn out or break something. And, you know, she really had to figure out the parameter of what empowers me to be a mom, still be a business owner, deliver a show that’s gonna, you know, have people dropping their jaws, but you know, allow me to still be able to get up and do a second night. So believe it or not all of us felt I say all of us, right? Anyone who’s seen the movie, or watch the show, all of us felt like we got her all on the night that we went. But I want to tell you, the big aha moment that I’m hoping you’re resonating with here is we did not, because if we got her all she couldn’t do it again. And the same thing applies to each of us.

As we get into this world and accomplish our goals, we need to recognize that we are permitted to reserve something for ourselves so that we can continue to show up tomorrow. And even better, as we’re starting to define things for the coming year, I want you to make sure that you are doing that definition for yourself and that the big bold life that you are stepping into and that you greatly deserve is one that you know you can show up in consistently, sustainably, and completely.

The stadium is yours for the taking and it’s yours for the keeping. Make sure that you have a plan in place so that you’re giving the show of your life and not paying for it with your life.

Friend, I’m so grateful that we get to share stories here and I’m so grateful that we get to grow together.

Hop in my DMs and let’s talk about how we’re doing the work.

  • Why I was always showing up on empty (and chronically late!)
  • How people pleasing and over-giving tendencies contribute to this problem,
  • What we can do INSTEAD of giving everything our all, all the time,
  • Why I’m okay with not giving my previous marriage MY ALL, and
  • How I’m approaching my business and life with these lessons
  • Grab my New York Times Bestselling memoir, Nothing is Missing, HERE!
  • Send me a DM on Instagram and Facebook!
  • Book a 20 min call to see if working together is the right next step for you!
  • Don’t miss our last chat on how I stopped fixing everyone else’s problems – Listen here!
  • I love reading your reviews of the show! You can share your thoughts on Apple here!

If you’re looking for the strategies and encouragement to pursue a life of purpose, this is the podcast for you! Week after week Nicole Walters will have you laughing hysterically while frantically taking notes as she shares her own personal stories and answers your DMs about life, business, and everything in between.

As a self-made multimillionaire and founder of the digital education firm, Inherit Learning Company, Nicole Walters is the “tell-it-like-it-is” best friend that you can’t wait to hang out with next.

When Nicole shows up, she shows OUT, so tune in each week for a laugh, a best friend chat, plus the strategies and encouragement you need to confidently live a life of purpose.

Follow Nicole on IG @NicoleWalters and visit inheritlearningcompany.com today and click the button to join our betterment community. Your membership gives you access to a world of people and tools focused on helping you build the life you want.