Episode 1 Part 2: Pivot Points


“And just like that I quit my job!”

In this episode of The Nicole Walters Podcast, I share the story behind quitting my 6-figure corporate job LIVE online in front of 10,000 people!

Have you dreamt of your “Quit Day”?

As motivational as a “Quit Day” may seem, I prepared for this day and in this episode, you get to hear how I did. I hope this episode encourages you to connect with your WHY and to believe that your provision resides in your purpose.

Tune into Episode 2 to hear the ONE thing I did every day before quitting my job. Thanks for listening friend!

Click HERE to read the transcript!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • The story of how I quit my 6-figure corporate job LIVE online in front of 10,000 people
  • How I prepared for my quit day and what happened soon after
  • Why connecting with your why is a precursor for success
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 1 Part 1: Pivot Points

Episode 1, Part 1: Pivot Points



I’m a wife, mom, and entrepreneur of a 7-figure business but it wasn’t always this way. In fact, I became a mom to 3 amazing girls in just 30 days! Yes, in 30 days! 

In this chat, I share the story of how I met my girls on a Baltimore city street, became their mom, and how that led to me quitting my 6-figure corporate job! Friend, this is THE episode you don’t want to miss.

If you get nothing else from this episode, I hope that you know that things are working for you behind the scenes! We can’t understand it all at the time but we must be open to what we’re being called to do.

This is just part 1 of a two-part episode so don’t forget to tune in for part 2! Thanks for listening friend!

Read the transcript here!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • The story of how I became a mom to 3 girls in under 30 days,
  • What event led me to quit my 6-figure corporate job, and
  • How things are always working in your favor, behind the scenes
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:
  • Send me a DM on Facebook and Instagram!
  • Record a voice message for me here
  • I love reading your reviews of the show! You can share your thoughts on Apple here!
More about The Nicole Walters Podcast:

If you’re looking for the strategies and encouragement to pursue a life of purpose, this is the podcast for you! Week after week Nicole Walters will have you laughing hysterically while frantically taking notes as she shares her own personal stories and answers your DMs about life, business, and everything in between.

As a self-made multimillionaire and founder of the digital education firm, Inherit Learning Company, Nicole Walters is the “tell-it-like-it-is” best friend that you can’t wait to hang out with next.

When Nicole shows up, she shows OUT, so tune in each week for a laugh, a best friend chat, plus the strategies and encouragement you need to confidently live a life of purpose.

Follow Nicole on IG @NicoleWalters and visit inheritlearningcompany.com today and click the button to join our betterment community. Your membership gives you access to a world of people and tools focused on helping you build the life you want.

How to get an Investor for your Business Idea!

I often hear from new entrepreneurs with a brilliant idea that they need an investor in order to start.

Shows like Shark Tank have made it seem like building a business is a microwave and quick process- where if you show up with a compelling idea, someone is going to throw money at it.

Not quite.

After working at a Venture Capital firm while in college- here’s some truths about what it takes to get investments.

And note- most of the work happens long before you ever get in front of “The Sharks.”

1. You need to have your own money to put in. They prefer to SHARE the risk.

2. You need a rock solid and articulate business plan with a business valuation so they know clearly what they’re buying into and the equity payout they’ll receive.

3. Depending on the industry/concept/product- you can pitch Venture Capital firms or high net worth individuals- this is a complicated, biased process- but it doesn’t mean it won’t work.

Lastly, you likely will need to have the product or business established, generating some revenue, and seeing profits (idea validation) before getting the working capital from an investor to grow.

Don’t let any of the challenges dissuade you from building your dream- just know that it’s YOUR dream to build- and you need to start, before others will see your vision.

I help entrepreneurs craft, build, and grow their best business idea everyday at www.1K1Day.com– visit and learn more!

If you did this, you’d double or triple your business in 2018!

I’ve lost 50 glorious lbs!

I’ve had a ton of questions, so I’m addressing in a single post. I wish the answer to my healthy lifestyle results were more interesting- but they’re not. 😆 Time, resources, and hard work over the last 6-7 months. Here’s the deets:

First. The “why.”

Before I started. I had to be ready. I was just fed up with being out of breath, uncomfortable, having poorly fit clothing, fatigue, and being scared I wasn’t going to be around for my kids. I just got sick of being sick. Furthermore, I felt like a hypocrite. Here I was talking about living your best life, deciding that something was important and going for it, pushing through challenges- but I couldn’t bring myself to put down a donut. If I was going to ask my students to fight through the fear, and embrace the unfamiliar- I needed to do it myself. Lastly, in terms of mindset- I have big huge massive goals for the next few years- and I needed my body to keep up with my dreams. This lifestyle is an investment in my future.

That said. The ‘how.’

When people say diet and exercise are the answer- they’re right. It’s not some fancy formula. You need to learn how to eat properly, in portions that make sense, and move your body. That’s it. However- learning to eat well is hard, and I’m grateful to start learning more about how to do this properly for MY body, using Chalene Johnson’s 131 Diet educational system in the coming weeks.

However, I haven’t ‘cut’ any foods from my diet- I eat everything- just plants first- aiming for organic/natural everything when I can, moderation, and nothing excessively processed, or with a buncha chemicals/additives. When you look at the menu, skip the app, order the veggies, don’t do fries get broccoli. Simple stuff like that- done CONSISTENTLY.

I did start all of this- with a doctors visit to get ALL the (painful and scary but necessary) numbers, and a nutritionist visit to get all the recommendations- and I implemented everything I was told.

I’ve been paying a LOT of attention to portion control (I only ever eat half or less of what I’m served at restaurants), and really working on my ‘relationship’ with food. It’s been a game changer. It hasn’t happened overnight- working out was so so so hard in the beginning and I couldn’t do much- after about 25-30lbs, I was able to move more and easier. I still only walk on the treadmill for about 45 mins everyday- I’ll start a weightlifting routine in about 2 weeks with my trainer. I’ve also fit in 30 mins of yoga/stretching every morning- all part of my ‘miracle morning’ (Hal Elrod) routine.

I also decided not to make my healthy lifestyle journey an ‘event-‘ I didn’t want to commentary as I began the process, so I didn’t share much or discuss. For me, this made it easier, and took some pressure off. Once I shed a few good lbs, questions were harder to avoid- so I began sharing- though this is not something I intend to incorporate in my business or brand. It’s just me committing to myself, family, and community that I will be a healthy example of success. Sometimes when you want to uplevel, it’s not a course or new funnel- it’s changing yourself.

I’m about 6 months in, and still have a way to go- but excited about the journey, and so grateful to God for second chances at a healthy life.

It was slow and hard at the beginning, but if you can just give yourself 90 days- 12 weeks- you’ll break through and create lasting results.

Happy to answer questions below and thank you for all of the love and support!

2 Year Entrepreneur Anniversary, What I’ve learned…

August 6, 2015 at 2:30pmEST. I quit my 6 figure, 9-5 job to invest myself fully in pursuing God’s calling on my life.

I opened my own Corporate style consulting firm- Monetize Thyself- and never looked back.

2 years later, here’s what I learned:

1. I was prepared but I wasn’t anywhere near as ready as I thought. However, it was still the right time. You’ll learn what you need to learn when the pressure is on your case.

2. My provision resides in purpose. It did then, and it does now. I will never make as much money, or feel as fulfilled as I do working to make an impact and change the world. Never.

3. Vulnerability, integrity, honesty, and remaining true to who you are at your core- is more important than collaborations, features, and stages. When sharing your journey publicly for 2 years- nothing displays more credibility than being exactly the same person (maybe a bit shinier) as you were 2 years ago.

4. If you don’t have God in your life- that’s your choice- but you better find an anchor to keep your grounded and supported in those moments where entrepreneurship gets away from you. Without Jesus as my life preserver, I would’ve sunk many times over. He is faithful.

5. Family first. Balance is bogus and you won’t always get it right- a ball will always drop- but keep family first and you will always have a rock solid driving force to success.

6. Learn to receive. When you step out to pursue the life you are supposed to live- the universe will rise to meet you. Everything you need to win will appear- mentors, money, resources, friends- but you have to learn to be patient- AND RECEIVE IT. It may not look the way you expect it too. Challenges can be a form of resources to help you grow. Receive them. You deserve it.

7. Humble yourself. Entrepreneurship is not fancy trips, shiny stuff, cars, and penthouses. It’s a daily, personal drive to leave a legacy and change the very construct of society that made it difficult for you to get ahead. It’s a desire to see eyes light up when they realize “they can,” and there is no price or object that can replace that moment of success. If you haven’t found that- you aren’t aligned- don’t let people sell you the fast life. It’s not sustainable. You deserve to get paid, so you can FUND your purpose. Money is just a tool.

8. Be present in your business. In the world of automation- you want to automate SYSTEMS not relationships. Serve serve serve. Pick up the phone, answer the email, give a hug, ask about their children, love them. No matter what you’re offering you are in the business of PEOPLE. If you don’t care- then you won’t get far. They won’t invest in you, if you aren’t invested in them.

9. You will fail everyday. But as Zig Ziglar says, “Failure is an event, not a person.” Tomorrow is another chance to get it right- and you’re even better equipped to do so, because you’ve learned from the day before. Embrace the inconsistency- it what makes your life interesting and impactful.

10. If people can’t find you- they can’t pay you. When the moments come that you want to quit, back away or start over- DIVE DEEPER and go back to basics. In corporate you learn to never throw away the entire process- because starting over is hard- and expensive. Extract what works, fix what doesn’t, and pour gas on it. Money is fluid, objects are abundance- but time is limited. Make the most of it.

Happy 2 year “Quit Day” anniversary, To ME! Here’s to more lives changed, and a legacy that lasts many lifetimes.