The Nicole Walters Show – Interview with Nikki Lewis


Hey Richfriends! Welcome to the first episode of my all new video series – The Nicole Walters Show!

The Nicole Walters Show is my opportunity to tap into my network of entrepreneur friends – all for the benefit of my Richfriends. Guys, the lineup of I have in store for you is nothing short of amazing . And they’re not amazing because they’ve made a billion dollars or get flown around the world to fancypants speaking engagements. They’re amazing because they’re REAL people – everyday entrepreneurs – just like us. Sharing their journey, and the steps along the way. My friends are honest – they’ve had the highest of highs and the lowest lows. And they’re transparent about what it truly means to have a dream and do the work.

In this first episode, I sat down with Nikki Lewis – Food Business Consultant and co-host of the top-rated podcast Biz Underdog to Top Dog.

If Nikki looks familiar to you, it’s probably because you’ve seen her on Lifetime’s Supermarket Superstar or heard of her other brand, Mallow Crunchies (or her dessert spot, The Mallow Bar).

Nikki sat down with me to share about her entrepreneurial journey –her obsession with crispy treats –  how it all crumbled apart, and how she built it back up! Guys, it’s not easy to bounce back from a tough business call – and Nikki will tell you exactly how she did it!

We’re diving deep and hitting on these topics:

  • Building momentum with wins in your business
  • Working on your business versus in your business
  • The pivot point – walking away from opportunities and closing doors
  • Rebounding and other lessons learned in the down moments of entrepreneurship

Seriously, this episode is filled with entrepreneurial gems. Nikki touched on so many things that I try to drive home with my Richfriends – things like having multiple income streams, and finding the teachable moments in the difficult times.

Watch it here, and tweet me your biggest takeaway using hashtag #TheNicoleWaltersShow:

Stay tuned for more episodes in the future!

Learn about Imposter Syndrome, Slay Your Fears [Video]

This is a crowd favorite episode of The Monetized Life.  I tackled the often avoided conversation of inadequacy.  The feeling of chronic self-doubt in the face of successes that can make a person go crazy.  It has a name- Imposter Syndrome and in this video I talk about it in detail.

If you enjoyed the video share it with others who can benefit from the message.  If you plan to do the homework feel free to post this message to your Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or where ever feels right.

Today is the last day:
1. No more second guessing our gifts.
2. No more dismissing our accomplishments.
3. No more letting fear stop us from living in our purpose.
We deserve it all. #‎IAmWORTHY


iamworthy picture quote

Make it a great day Richfriend!


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5 Things I Believed About this Income Stream, that Made Me Dismiss It- and I WAS TOTALLY WRONG!

5 Things I Believed About this Income Stream, that Made Me Dismiss It- and I WAS TOTALLY WRONG!

The video below is a re-play of a periscope broadcast Nicole Walters delivered on March 23rd, 2016.  In this Scope Nicole talks about an a-ha moment she had about a very popular income stream.  She credits her new perspective on this income stream to her richfriends.  In this video find out what the income stream is and why it’s worth consideration.

*Feel free to use the chapter guide below to skip to your favorite parts!*

Video Chapters

Hubbin’ Intro
0:00 – 1:36

Nicole Walters Intro
1:39 – 3:04

Background Information
3:05 – 6:47

6:48 – 22:45

22:46 – 22:51