Get Legaled Up (Part 4) : Demystifying Legal Terms for Your Business

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Welcome, Richfriend! In this post, we’re recapping the fourth and final installment of the Get Legaled Up Periscope series I did with my husband (aka the Hubbin). Throughout this series, we’ve been helping my Richfriends get their legal affairs in order, by using myself and my business as an example.

We’ve already covered everything from S-Corps and LLCs, to why your business needs an NDA. To catch up on those topics, click the links below:

Get Legaled Up Part 1: Meet The Hubbin

Get Legaled Up Part 2: Making Your Business Official

Get Legaled Up Part 3: Why Your Small Business Needs an NDA

In this fourth installment, Hubbin got super technical, providing information and insight into some of the more technical and complicated terminology that you hear thrown around in business a lot – but that are actually super important to protecting yourself and your business.

If you’re confused about the difference between a Trademark and a Copyright, and have been trying to figure out whether you need either one or both for your logo or t-shirt design, this Scope is for you. Hubbin even broke down a real world example involving Nene Leaks from the Real Housewives of Atlanta who found herself in a hot water after lifting a t-shirt design from a relatively unknown (until now) small business owner. Yep! Protecting yourself – even if you think no one is watching or paying attention, is super important.

But that’s not all we covered! If you’ve heard of Privacy Policies and Terms and Conditions, but aren’t quite sure if you need to implement them, or even how to do it – this scope is also for you.  Here’s a hint: if you have a website, blog, e-commerce site, or anything that tracks or collects personal information – you need a Privacy Policy. As for Terms and Conditions?…

You’ll just have to watch the Scope to find out!

Don’t forget – if you’re in need of an NDA for your business, The Hubbin crafted a standard, editable NDA just for my Richfriends. Standard NDA templates can run north of $200 per document. Hubbin’s NDA template is only $24.99 and can be edited and used in perpetuity every time the details of your business demands it. Click here to get yours today!

If you’re interested in learning more about The Hubbin and his legal practice that specializes in contracts and trademark law for startups, small business, and solopreneurs – visit And don’t forget to follow me on Periscope so you don’t miss a thing!

Get Legaled Up (Part 3) : Your Small Business Needs an NDA!


If this is your first time around these parts, welcome! If you’re already one of my Richfriends, then welcome back!

In this blog post, I’m covering the third installment of the Get Legaled Up Periscope series I did with my husband (known as the Hubbin). Together we’re helping my Richfriends (yes, you!) get their legal lives together – by using myself as an example and being transparent about the legal inner-workings of my own business.

Picture this – you’re a newbie entrepreneur or just getting your feet wet with things like digital products or online courses. The possibilities are exciting – making passive income (aka sleep coin) by releasing a super helpful e-guide, or even looking toward the launch of your first online course.

So you start doing the work, because that’s what Richfriends do. Along the way, you share ideas or solicit feedback with a friend here, a mastermind group member there.

Then, reality sets in.

That friend, you know – the one that you let see a draft if your e-guide? You discover via Facebook that she’s released an e-guide of her own. And it’s eerily similar to yours – right down to the cover design. Ugh! How dare she?! You haven’t even released your e-guide yet, and now you feel like you can’t – because your idea has been lifted off and taken to market.

What could you have done differently, to protect your intellectual property and business?

That’s exactly what the Hubbin and I covered in the third Get Legaled Up scope. Unfortunately, in online business, these sorts of issues are quite commonplace. But the key to preserving your sanity, coins, and intellectual property can sometimes be as simple as an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).

Watch the replay of the third Get Legaled Up scope above for more information about what an NDA covers, and how to protect your hard work and creative ideas. And if you find yourself needing an NDA sooner than later, I’ve got you covered!

The Hubbin crafted a standard, editable NDA just for my Richfriends to be able to use in their businesses. Standard NDA templates can run north of $200 per document. Hubbin’s NDA template is only $24.99 and can be edited and used in perpetuity every time the details of your business demands it. Click here to get yours today!

I’m always looking out for my Richfriends!

If you’re interested in learning more about The Hubbin and his legal practice that specializes contracts and trademark law for startups, small business, and solopreneurs – visit And don’t forget to follow me on Periscope so you don’t miss a thing!

Catch up on the Get Legaled Up Periscope series here:

Get Legaled Up Part 1:  Meet The Hubbin

Get Legaled Up Part 2:  Making Your Business Official

Get Legaled Up (Part 2) : Making Your Business Official

Hubbin and Nicole

If you’ve got an idea for a business, but you’re looking for what legal steps you need to take in order to make it official, you’ve come to the right place.


In this blog post, I’m covering the second installment of a Periscope series I did with my husband (known as the Hubbin) called Get Legaled Up. The series is all about helping my Richfriends (you’re now one of my Richrfriends by reading this, if you weren’t already) get their legal lives together when it comes to starting and operating a business. Whether you’re a startup solopreneur or a business vet with a small team working under you, there’s always steps and precautions one should take to protect themselves and their business.

If I had to describe the Periscope video Hubbin and I did in one word it would be… transformative. In less than an hour, Hubbin was able to provide clarity, direction, and actionable steps – centered around how to make your business official.

We covered everything from the first step any Richfriend launching a business should do, all the way through helping Richfriends with multiple businesses legally organize themselves.

If you missed the broadcast, you missed a jam-packed session with the Hubbin breaking down:

  • Why your business needs a DBA
  • The difference between a Sole Proprietorships vs LLCs
  • Getting on S-Corp and C-Corp status

I also opened all the way up for my Richfriends (cause, #transparency) and shared exactly how my business is registered, and what that means for me come tax time. I learned a BIG lesson when gobs of coin showed up – and Papa IRS laid the smackdown. Hint: In 2016, there’s more to my LLC than meets the eye.

Guys, this Get Legaled Up ‘scope was loaded with info. If you have questions about the first steps you should be taking, or are tired of sifting through pages of confusing google search results – this Making it Official scope is for you.

Oh! And a special note for my MLM Richfriends – you might want to button up on that LLC paperwork like yesterday. The Hubbin uncovered some very interesting information that leaves my MLM Richfriends very vulnerable from a legal perspective. Just know this – it has to do with your downline. Keeping your coin is as important as making it – and you need to know this tip to make sure you’re not exposed. Definitely check out the ‘scope for more details.

Watch the replay below:

If you’re interested in learning more about the Hubbin and his legal practice that specializes contracts and trademark law for startups, small business, and solopreneurs – visit And don’t forget to follow me on Periscope so you don’t miss a thing!

Get Legaled Up (Part 1) – Meet The Hubbin!

Josh and Nicole Walters

For those that don’t know I’ve been happily married for 7 years. Hubbin and I met online – yep, online! Here’s the short version: We met on a little site called OkCupid. At the time, he was fresh out of law school and looking to move to Baltimore. I gave him my number (with zero expectations), and told him to give me a call if he ever made the move. Well, he did – so we went out. On several dates. Then we became friends. And then partners.

And the rest is history!

The Hubbin (known professionally as Josh Walters) holds a Juris Doctor from The College of William and Mary School of Law, and has been practicing law in Maryland and Washington, D.C. for nine years. And he’s quite amazing at it, might I add.

Guys, he’s got lawyah in his blood – his dad is a federal judge!

I’m thrilled to bring the Hubbin’s skillset and resources to my Richfriends because his practice focuses on meeting the needs of newbie entrepreneurs, startups, and small business owners. And his specialty is something we all need in our businesses at some point. Yep, contracts and trademarks. In addition to slaying contracts and helping small business owners protect themselves and their intellectual property, Hubbin also helps businesses get organized and navigate the day-to-day challenges of operating a small business in the online space.

In the nine years that he’s been a small business lawyah, Hubbin has helped an insane number of small business owners, bloggers, and aspiring entrepreneurs get their legal lives right. How many, exactly? You’ll have to watch the Scope to find out. Fair warning – we’re not talking small potatoes, here.

In fact, if you’ve purchased my DIY Clean Credit course then you’ve already gotten a taste of what The Hubbin can do! During our chat on my Periscope channel, we talked more about the DIY Clean Credit course, and answered a few questions from Richfriends.

Watch the Scope, and get your feet wet with the Hubbin’.

The internet is a tricky place, but the Hubbin will definitely help make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row. If you’ve got pressing legal questions, you can learn more about the Hubbin’s legal practice at

For the full transcript of this Scope, Download Transcript.

A Powerful Day at the White House United State of Women Summit

Logo for the United States of Women Summit

Having worked in executive-level corporate business development for years, I am well accustomed to being the regular girl, in a room full of exceptionally accomplished and powerful people. So there’s that…

And then there’s the White House United State of Women Summit. An ENTIRELY different level of excellence.

This event is the Holy Grail of business networking, motivational lecture, policy seminar, political lobbying, and classic girl talk – but with Oprah. And Michelle Obama. And Gloria Steinem. And Patricia Arquette. And Warren Buffet. And Vice President Biden. And President Obama. Oh, and those are just the Plenary speakers. JUST THE HEADLINERS.


Needless to say I’m still recovering from 12 hours of powerful discourse about issues impacting women in America, like:

* Economic Empowerment
* Health and Wellness
* Educational Opportunity
* Violence Against Women
* Entrepreneurship and Innovation
* Leadership and Civic Engagement

What a day.

Just days before the event, I received notice that I’d been invited and approved to attend this exclusive private gathering. As a burgeoning entrepreneur eager to learn, I was floored at the chance to be present and engage with change makers and thought leaders from around the world. Educational opportunities such as this are few and far between – and I quickly rearranged my schedule, because…THE WHITE HOUSE!


On June 14th, 2016, under the orchestration of First Lady Obama, an overwhelmingly amazing group of gender equality advocates rallied together under one banner – womanhood. Together, they highlighted what’s been achieved this far, identified the challenges that remain for us all, and charted the course for achieving reform. Through a series of break-out sessions hosted by industry leaders like NPR’s Michele Norris and famed activist Gloria Steinem, attendees collaborated on concepts and garnered insight to apply within their organization.

NW_Michele Norris

The event closed with a dynamic live discussion between the First Lady and Oprah Winfrey – addressing, confidence, validation, and adversity.

Without a doubt, the wisdom imparted and knowledge shared through this unique experience will remained etched in my mind and reflected in my work – for a lifetime.

For the full White House United State of Women Summit agenda, live stream replay, and to learn how you can participate,  visit